Recent content by Bishop

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
  1. Bishop

    MSR pots recall

    Daft question, but I'm told it's even dumber not to ask. Has anybody ever had or heard of an MSR pot that the handle fell off?
  2. Bishop

    Tourniquet advice from a combat medic

    Was on the receiving end of tourniquet for ankle surgery (removal of k-wire fixation), five minute job, local anesthetic, sit up you can watch.. Grab with pair pliers and pull, easy job. However surgeon who put them in clipped two off flush with the bone so getting them all out took a while...
  3. Bishop

    Paracord question

    Not all cordage labeled 'paracord' is equal. The real type 2 stuff has a breaking strain of 550 lbs (250kg) [static load only! For falls and slung loads this figure comes down drastically]. Anything cheaper is probably type 1 rated to 275lbs static load or worse it's completely fake, fit only...
  4. Bishop

    Never tell your doctor you've seen elephants in the woods.

    Never tell your doctor you've seen elephants in the woods.
  5. Bishop

    Storm setting off car alarms!

    Storm setting off car alarms!
  6. Bishop


    Pirate bandanna with skull & bones :badger: good for nephew or nieces halloween, runny noses and terrifying the natives
  7. Bishop

    The 'I've found a bargain' thread Not every product they stock is listed online, pack lunch and be prepared to forage.
  8. Bishop

    The 'I've found a bargain' thread

    Charlies garden center is selling 2L bottles of meths for £6 It's Bartoline, the good stuff
  9. Bishop

    Bushcraft tools that could be classed as weapons?

    Yes, no and it depends on carrier & destination and quite probably how suspicious you look. Ryanair will let you have an axe in checked luggage but not a catapult. SAS air allows sharp and/or pointy things as "Sporting Equipment" with prior approval but the Potassium Permanginate in a fire kit...
  10. Bishop

    Found out Greggs has a drive-thru, not sure how to deal with this

    Found out Greggs has a drive-thru, not sure how to deal with this
  11. Bishop

    What did you buy today?

    I'm told the sausage rolls are also particularly impressive specimens but it's rare for them to escape the car park.
  12. Bishop

    Heads up - Post office not sending sharps after 22nd April

    The devil's in the details.. what exactly do they mean by "Age Verification Service" are we talking a PrawnHub are you over 18 tick box on the postmans tablet or will postie want my Driver's License or Passport and take a copy?
  13. Bishop

    Newbie from Gloucestershire

    Always a pleasure to meet somebody from the old county. <sigh> it's been a while since I was in Stroud. One for the road and one for the hill!
  14. Bishop

    Electronic Bushcraft, Sourcing Energy and building Radio Communication from Earth

    Best I can do is harvesting methane from a dragon, or Free cooking gas with this simple trick emergency veterinary procedure
  15. Bishop

    What did you buy today?

    Picked up a rather nice windbreaker smock from Sarnau Surplus yesterday but the real find (and shamless plug) is for the deli next door whose name I have forgotton and their Chorizo Scotch Eggs