Caution: "smock combat olive windproof" (or black or DPM)

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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 2, 2003
Hi just a heads up to a very poor jacket (I bought knowing it was fake).
I've seen a lot of these in surplus stores/e-bay and I'm worried that people will be conned buying these for Christmas presents.
It's sold as a:
"SAS windproof"
"Olive windproof smock"
(or a combination of those words)

They are available in Black, Olive green, and DPM.

The fake green fabric label in mine says (I've typed it as shown):

CG 8415-99-132-3960

SIZE: 180/112
NATO SIZE 7080 / 0515


The give away is the label at the inside waist area.
It's white shiny man made fabric (polyester?).
on it is printed (again as shown)


(on the rear 5 washing symbols.)
I bought one as a "Fashion/Bushcrafty" jacket, knowing it was fake but would look OK to go to the shops or meet people in etc. that's all it is!

Mine is
Very poor quality, the buttons I've had to restitch, pocket seems came undone on both lower pockets.
The zip, cord, and Velcro look real but are not good quality.
I'm expecting the zip to fail next!
even the "Fixlock"(cord adjuster) was a fake.
Finally the sleeves seem just wrong, a double layer up to the elbow, and the Velcro cuffs are too narrow, the sleeves can't be rolled up like most army jackets

here are a few links to said jacket:

This company admits it's fake ,but includes in the jacket details
poachers rear pocket zip and valcro
There is no "zip" on the poachers pocket, nor is there "Valcro"!

Here's a write up this guy's done a pretty good write up, shame about the jacket:
His was called:
"British Military Army SAS Green Windproof Combat Smock"

This guy instantly noticed flaws:
.........."with a number of excess threads which needed trimming"........"a closer inspection revealed one defect which would have caused me to return it for an exchange".............."the stitching around the buttonhole of the lower left pocket was very bad and had unraveled"...."just got out my sewing kit and redid it myself"
sound familiar? :(

he bought it for the same reason...Price, and it looks like a real one!

and he end's with this comment:
These smocks are practical wear for when you're out in the woods if you keep the limitations of cotton or poly/cotton garments in mind.
I agree, I guess he came to the same conclusion :(
you wouldn't say that about a British army jacket.

(note: the label is frayed around the stitching...Identical to mine! The colour of mine is only slightly greener than this.)

(note: how loose the button is! look carefully the left edge of the pocket is single stitched (where mine failed on both pockets.

(Note: you can even tell the stitching is quite loose across the front of the pocket from that Photo)

please, if you want a genuine item be careful!
(remember these fakes are sold in black Olive green and DPM)

no need to reply just a heads up
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Thanks Rapp, I really dont know how people sleep at night knowing they sell crap. shocking.
Its only posts like this that will stop consumers buying rubbish and eventually close the morons selling it hopefully.

I reckon you've done quite a few bods a huge favour there, and confirmed what many others thought about the quality of the smocks.
Big thanks!
gotta agree with Rapp here, the british army doesn't issue OG anymore for this type of garment. so it's a fair bet if you see a lot of them from one source, they ain't pucker!
if you want an OG SAS smock, best source IMHO is SASS of Lancaster, i have had 2, and build quality is fantastic. i had a ventile one and currently have a green garbadine version which is a straight copy plus some tweeks to the original. and its a close run thing on telling them apart.

it's like anything in life, if it's out of the ordinary, a special order or one off, it's going to be more expensive, the issue items in various formats are ten a penny generally, civvy copies of the same standard are going to cost you for a decent one. i have 2 original issue, and a modern standard one, plus the sass version.i'd rather have dpm originals any day, and wouldn't go cheap and cheerful for one of these, might not turn out to be all that cheerful!
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well, my genuine ones are either green cloth, or a plasticated cloth, both printed, both green, my sass smock is also is green cloth, genuine ones don't usually tell you the material mix, so i would hazard a guess and say if you see for eg 100% cotton,. or 50% cotton 50% polyester or something like that in a british smock its fake, maybe rapps seen others that differ.
I got one a while back on ebay. I have waxed it with barbour thornproof. I got the largest size and I'm a medium/large. I wanted lots of room, and it delivers on that front. The size is comfortable with a waistcord to tidy it in. I will agree the stitching is poor and the material really should be heavier but I have worn it all year and it holds off the wind rather well. I like the pockets and lets face it short of ordering a special make you will need to buy DPM for an original. A lot of people don't fancy DPM and I'm one of them.

In fairness, it is clear it is a copy (and poor copy) and at 40 ish quid you get what you pay for. I like it as its a good cheap layer to bash around in the woods in and it has good storage and plenty of room for layers underneath. Bear in mind the price and then you wont be too let down, but I think a some bushcrafters want bombproof kit for camping in the local woods (absolutely no dig intended at the previous contributers).I wouldnt run down a swedish smock even though it is very light. You get what it says on the tin as the say.

I added better cuff adjusters and did a little DIY on the stitching. Overall I'm happy just don't expect a 100 quid product at less then half price. Hope this puts some balance to the discussion, although in fairness the others have made fair comments and I agree with them mostly.
well, my genuine ones are either green cloth, or a plasticated cloth, both printed, both green, my sass smock is also is green cloth, genuine ones don't usually tell you the material mix, so i would hazard a guess and say if you see for eg 100% cotton,. or 50% cotton 50% polyester or something like that in a british smock its fake, maybe rapps seen others that differ.

agreed, Squaddies don't need to know what it's made of, it's issued, not chosen.

generally speaking the older the garment, the more natural fibre it will be.

as for labels? depends which jacket.
take a look at this link they are nearly all different (but always printed).

if you look at anything issued to the US Army equipment, especially clothing it usually has an obvious label, often white, description, list of uses, how to wash it, and occasionally even pictures!
I have one of these no probs with mine i know its a fake and was told when i bought it from but for £17.50 cant go wrong iv used mine loads with a good base laying in early winter and found it did protect from the wind. as most copys these days they was made in china i guess so in a whole batch you will get a few lemons. i do agree RAPPLEBY2000 not good when your told its the real thing and paid good money. so does help to do your reading up to find out this sort of thing before you buy posts like this are great as all is shown to prove its not the real thing. hay maybe a thread tobe used for showing those copys as theres a lot of it about.
You would have a hard time buting the fabric, zip and buttons for a DIY job at that price so the need for a bit of "tweaking" to make it a decent "woods spec" jacket is OK in my book!
If I had not just morgaged the wife to get a Bison Ventile I might have been up for one of those myself!
Not goood if someone tries to pass this kind of smock off as the real thing though!
I just had a word with the distributor - Lagenfelts - and they are coming to the end of these if you want one they will be in short suply soon :)
I got one a while back on ebay. I have waxed it with barbour thornproof. I got the largest size and I'm a medium/large. I wanted lots of room, and it delivers on that front. The size is comfortable with a waistcord to tidy it in. I will agree the stitching is poor and the material really should be heavier but I have worn it all year and it holds off the wind rather well. I like the pockets and lets face it short of ordering a special make you will need to buy DPM for an original. A lot of people don't fancy DPM and I'm one of them.

I just bought a fake in OG and I'm delighted with it. Sure, it's not double stitched etc and I could pick fault with it, but for what I paid it's a good buy IMO. It is what it is, just a cotton smock, it's cheap, comfy, light and looks good. A bit of wax here and there and it might even be a little bit shower proof. :D

I agree, if you were expecting the genuine thing you might feel ripped off, but as someone else said, given the army doesnt do em in green, if you have a green one, it's probably fake. :D

Nowt wrong with that ....even the sass kit smocks are fake too. You get what you pay for.


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