FYI, this maybe of interest to fellow Hammock-ers.
Can't remember where I found it but it explains the different forces involved on the rope/tapes and the trees, depending on the load (how fat you are) and the strength of the ropes/tapes you use to attach to the trees. In relation to the angle you like to hang your hammock.
The most interesting section is 'the tensile force on ropes'
It looks like if you want to get close to the rated value of your tapes/ropes you need to have an angle of 30 deg...

That don't sound to comfy for sleeping.
But non of this makes any allowance that when you tie knots in your tapes/ropes this drastically reduces the tensile strength, quite often by a factor of 60%.
So bottom line, make sure you don't use 550 paracord tied together and try to sleep as flat as possible unless you weight about 4.5 stone. Cos' your bottom will end up on the floor...

(I know people will have lots of stories about putting a family size car in a hammock with only a bit of paracord... but I'm only sharing the maths so don't shoot the messenger
