Worst injury

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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I forgot about this one, was a stupid injury. Broke a couple of my own ribs playing football, Was the keeper went down to stop the ball, had my elbow tucked in my ribs, very odd noise when i landed and a bit of pain which just got a lot worse as the day went on. Who says sport is good for you? On the plus side I did save the goal :)


Oct 2, 2009
Fell off a roof about 2 1/2 years ago, was aware that the ladder 'went' and I threw myself forwards onto the roof, but there was nothing to get hold of. As I slid over the edge of the roof I pushed away from the building and turned round to face away.

I hit the floor like a collapsing chimney, face went hard into the earth. Lying there, thinking, 'Christ, my nose hurts, wonder if I've busted it?'

Humour me if you will now. Close your eyes and touch your nose. Easy isn't it?

Lying on my front, I propped myself up on my elbows, eyes still shut, and moved my right hand to feel for blood running out of my nose. I couldn't find my nose. Really couldn't. I opened my eyes and there was my right hand, sitting back at a jaunty angle. Oh s**t. I've broken my wrist. I looked left. Oh s**t. I've broken both my wrists.

Thankfully there was someone about, and he rang for the ambulance. 4 days in hospital, 5 hours of that I was in theatre. Still ache a bit every now and then. I was very lucky, 10 feet down onto bare earth, and all I have to show for it is an 8 inch scar along my left wrist.

Man Of Tanith, my younger brother went through a similar experience to you, and is similarly well on the road to recovery now. I'll take broken bones any day of the week.


Aug 7, 2010
My wife has 3 nice scars on her left wrist where she had an external fixator after she snapped her wrist falling out of a tree !

She was up the tree playing hide and seek , in our garden with our kids she was 27 at the time .

My youngest one went running up to her and shouted mummy i found you as she rolled around in agony .

She has since stopped climbing trees!



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 25, 2011
North Yorkshire, UK
I've seen a few people with bad injuries, but can't claim to have 'dealt' with them. Worst was my dad with a brain haemorrage, 5 broken fingers and an internally ripped mouth. He had a 30s memory for days, kept forgetting about the fingers and mouth, would try to move, then cry out in pain. Lost about 10years of memory for a few weeks.

Worst injury I had to deal with was my own - driving a ute with a vinyl bench seat and a kettle of boiling water - kettle tipped over, water flooded buttocks and backs of thighs. 2nd degree burns on both buttocks and legs down to my knees. I leapt straight through the open window of the ute without touching the sides. Looked down at my legs to see the skin peeling off like steamed wallpaper leaving just meat. Phoned hospital, got told to sit in a bath of cold water and wait for ambulance. 6 weeks in hospital. Strangely, after the initial burn, it didn't hurt.


May 11, 2009
Planet Earth
being pierced by nails etc

This wasn't about 2000 years ago in the Holy Land was it? I think I read something about it in a book when I was a kid.

I've not done any serious harm to myself, having my toenails removed stung a bit though. And headbutting a Jaguar jet hard enough to split my scalp down to skull was unpleasant. I can remember standing there thinking "Wow, this one's a biggie. Look at all that blood!"


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 8, 2009
Warrington, UK
To this day i've never broken a bone, i'm now 31 (still time left yet) i've got RSI in both my wrists and couldn't do a push up if i wanted (can't put weight on my hands, have to use knuckles) i've gashed and slashed my fingers open more times then i'd care but other then that nowt major.
i did get elbowed in the face about a week after i had my eyebrow pierced i was drunk at the time and the barmaid in the club i was in wanted to phone an ambulance there was blood dripping down my face!
healed nice tho.
The worst injury I have recieved was after a motorbike smash, My mate ran me over! Both bones in the leg were broken and my ankle too. My shin bone came out through the skin and had to be pinned back together. My pin now sits in my kitchen display cabinet.. Obviously I never treated this myself. A combination of 2 Ambulances and a helicopter transported me to Inverness where they pinned me back together and gave me skin grafts to repair the hole where the bone popped out. 14 days later I got out to go home and the pin remained in my leg for 18 months.

Sorest Injury was probably last year when I nearly sawed the end of my thumb off!

And you really dont want to know about the time I burst my ball bag open and had to drive myself to hospital holding myself together.

Mikey P

Full Member
Nov 22, 2003
Glasgow, Scotland
Mine strike on civilian in our area of ops. A real mess - he didn't survive. Took two of us to staunch the main bleeds whilst the medic tried to get a line in and plug the other holes. We'd only been in country a couple of days and hadn't experienced anything like this before. I was lucky in that it wasn't just me there to cope with it (there were four of us) but, looking back, I think a few of us suffered from mild shock as a result.

I guess that, compared to that experience, many other injuries just aren't that bad - I've dealt with epileptic fits, minor burns, cuts and bruises and two bicycle crashes (one a mate and one me). Perhaps I'm some sort of Jonah?!? Don't go anywhere with me!

In my experience, there is an initial very short period of feeling that 'this can't really be happening' (probably lasts for seconds but feels likes much longer) and then you jump right in and do what you can. I think it often isn't until afterwards that the reality of the situation sinks in. I'd be interested in hearing if others have experienced this or is it just me, the Jonah?
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May 16, 2006
North Yorkshire
Mine go along the lines of falling down some concrete stairs at work and fracturing 2 vertebrae in my lower back- result? loss of movement and a real empathy with people with back pain. 3 years later i still have swollen area's (IN MY BACK!) and a slight limp as some of it affected my legs.

Getting shot in the arm/broken jaw with a .22rimfire. A clown (ex) mate i went shooting with was messing about and shot me just above the elbow fortunately in a fleshy bit. The broken jaw bit was when i discovered that after you have been shot in your preferred arm you can still muster enough energy thanks to adrenaline to break the jaw of the guy who did it!
i have to ask !!!

how did you burst your ball bag for heavens sake ?? !!

Seeings as how you asked........ Go put the kettle on for a brew this is a bit of a story and I do think it is best to tell it all!

I was building a partition wall in my old house and I was trying to reach for my saw. I should really of climbed down the ladder to get it but I leaned a bit to the side and stretched and stretched a bit more until I fell from the ladder with an almighty bang that probably would of registered on the Richter scale and a bit of 3x2 ripped through my trousers at the knee and scraped its way up my thigh until it came to a very rapid halt against my right testicle!

After the initial shock and intense pain I gingery had a feel of the sore area, Only to be horrified to see blood on my hands. I had a look and saw that my sack was ripped open.......... This is when living 3/4 of a mile up a dirt track road becomes a very bad thing. And realizing you are home alone.

I gritted my teeth suppported my crotch and walked like John Wayne to my Jeep and gingerly climbed into the drivers seat and drove myself very slowly down the road, each bump and pothole cause pain like you never would want to experience. Thankfully it was only 5 miles to casualty dept. With a combination of one handed steering limited gear changes and occasional steering with my knees all the while holding myself in. I was glad too make it with everything still inside my sack.

On arrival at the hospital I had to ring a bell to get in and I stood at the door holding my crotch. The nurse gave me a look up and down before opening the door to which I uttered I have cut myself down below.
I was allowed in and ushered straight to a bed instead of the normal 30-45 minute wait for somebody to come attend to you. The nurse had a quick look and said ! OH I think that will need stitches but I better get a second opinion........... At this point I think she left the ward and ran to the nurses Tea Bar to say you will not believe the injury we have to deal with today Because one nurse after another came through to "Check" on me. I didnt realize such a small hospital would have so many members of staff!.
After much deliberation it was decided a doctor was required.
Now unfortunately there are no Doctors in this hospital they have to be called in from a On call list! So I am laying on the bed holding myself with a bit of bandage over the wound as one nurse after the other comes in for a "Check" To be honest I think some of them may of been cleaners and other staff....

The doctor arrives after 20 minutes munching on a sandwich as he had his lunchtime disturbed. He says yes definately require stitches I can do it but I have poor eyesight and a shaky hand maybe one of the nurses could do it. Now this is the bit that gets me the entire troupe of interested nurses that came for a look. Not one of them had ever stitched a wound before. its up to you the doc says I can can do it with my bad eyes and shaky hands or I can talk a nurse through doing it. I looked at the doc and then the nurse who was there and I thought to myself A woman who can most likely sew a patch on a pair of trousers or a shaky handed doc who was still munching his sandwich? Easy choice the nurse it is.

Under careful instruction she neatly snipped the hair from around the wound. Then the sore bit a local anesthetic injected all around the gash. You think the dentist injections are bad well this rewrites the pain list for sore places to be injected. I would liken the pain to pouring vinegar into an open wound. Anyway the very attentive nurse gave me seven neat stitches onto the side of my sack and sent me away with some dressings to cover the wound up! Anyone fancy pulling micro-pore tape from the side of your very tender ball bag to replace a dressing? No me either!!!
A week later I went back to the hospital to get the stitches removed. The nurse that took them out was none to gentle and none to sympathetic to my pain. I can only assume she was pi$$ed off she wasn't on duty the day I came in with injury, and missed out on the injury of the week discussion that I have no doubt was the talk of the teabreaks for the next while. A couple of weeks later I was in the pub with my wife for a bar lunch and I bumped into the nurse who stitched me up. Some comment was passed about not recognizing me at first with my pants on!!
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Mar 1, 2009
northern ireland
oh man ! that makes my toes curl just thinking about it !!!!!

fair play to you for keeping calm ( i was going to say...."keeping your head"...but that just didn't sound right ! )

glad you're OK and everything "works" :)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 20, 2010
Under your floor
Seeings as how you asked........ Go put the kettle on for a brew this is a bit of a story and I do think it is best to tell it all!

I was building a partition wall in my old house and I was trying to reach for my saw. I should really of climbed down the ladder to get it but I leaned a bit to the side and stretched and stretched a bit more until I fell from the ladder with an almighty bang that probably would of registered on the Richter scale and a bit of 3x2 ripped through my trousers at the knee and scraped its way up my thigh until it came to a very rapid halt against my right testicle!

After the initial shock and intense pain I gingery had a feel of the sore area, Only to be horrified to see blood on my hands. I had a look and saw that my sack was ripped open.......... This is when living 3/4 of a mile up a dirt track road becomes a very bad thing. And realizing you are home alone.

I gritted my teeth suppported my crotch and walked like John Wayne to my Jeep and gingerly climbed into the drivers seat and drove myself very slowly down the road, each bump and pothole cause pain like you never would want to experience. Thankfully it was only 5 miles to casualty dept. With a combination of one handed steering limited gear changes and occasional steering with my knees all the while holding myself in. I was glad too make it with everything still inside my sack.

On arrival at the hospital I had to ring a bell to get in and I stood at the door holding my crotch. The nurse gave me a look up and down before opening the door to which I uttered I have cut myself down below.
I was allowed in and ushered straight to a bed instead of the normal 30-45 minute wait for somebody to come attend to you. The nurse had a quick look and said ! OH I think that will need stitches but I better get a second opinion........... At this point I think she left the ward and ran to the nurses Tea Bar to say you will not believe the injury we have to deal with today Because one nurse after another came through to "Check" on me. I didnt realize such a small hospital would have so many members of staff!.
After much deliberation it was decided a doctor was required.
Now unfortunately there are no Doctors in this hospital they have to be called in from a On call list! So I am laying on the bed holding myself with a bit of bandage over the wound as one nurse after the other comes in for a "Check" To be honest I think some of them may of been cleaners and other staff....

The doctor arrives after 20 minutes munching on a sandwich as he had his lunchtime disturbed. He says yes definately require stitches I can do it but I have poor eyesight and a shaky hand maybe one of the nurses could do it. Now this is the bit that gets me the entire troupe of interested nurses that came for a look. Not one of them had ever stitched a wound before. its up to you the doc says I can can do it with my bad eyes and shaky hands or I can talk a nurse through doing it. I looked at the doc and then the nurse who was there and I thought to myself A woman who can most likely sew a patch on a pair of trousers or a shaky handed doc who was still munching his sandwich? Easy choice the nurse it is.

Under careful instruction she neatly snipped the hair from around the wound. Then the sore bit a local anesthetic injected all around the gash. You think the dentist injections are bad well this rewrites the pain list for sore places to be injected. I would liken the pain to pouring vinegar into an open wound. Anyway the very attentive nurse gave me seven neat stitches onto the side of my sack and sent me away with some dressings to cover the wound up! Anyone fancy pulling micro-pore tape from the side of your very tender ball bag to replace a dressing? No me either!!!
A week later I went back to the hospital to get the stitches removed. The nurse that took them out was none to gentle and none to sympathetic to my pain. I can only assume she was pi$$ed off she wasn't on duty the day I came in with injury, and missed out on the injury of the week discussion that I have no doubt was the talk of the teabreaks for the next while. A couple of weeks later I was in the pub with my wife for a bar lunch and I bumped into the nurse who stitched me up. Some comment was passed about not recognizing me at first with my pants on!!

You win hands down !!!!! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Full Member
Jan 2, 2004
Manchester UK
Well manoftanith , hats off to you sir , a brave man indeed ,the stigma still attached to mental health issues are appalling , if you or somebody close to you has never suffered from stress/panic attacks/palpitations/ then you are very lucky . it takes weeks/ months to manifest itself and by the time you are at your wits end and either seek help from desperation , or are helped by worried friends /relatives etc, its not an over night recovery and as you have said the self medication of weed or alcohol or both, have to be stopped before the climb begins. it takes a minimum of 8 weeks for prescription drugs to have an effect and they are not a cure only assist. if you are very lucky and the gp you get has an understanding or perhaps strong interest in stress/ depression etc it can take even longer ,anyway i will shut up now glad you are well ,and top marks for raising the issue. When your arm is broken you know where you stand weeks in plaster maybe an op bit of phisio you understand. But when you think you are going mad you struggle to get to grips with it. sorry if i have ranted

Well said Mick and good on ya Man of Tanith


Dec 27, 2010
Australlia- NSW.
last year bmxin, and dog ran in front of my wheel and i smashed my head on the ram and knocked out ^^ lucky a person walkin by helped me ^^ BEST night in hosp ever ^^ free food and drinks,



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