Surreal Surplus


Mar 28, 2021
The desert between Los Angeles county and Kern ; home to Edwards AFB, an iconic wind farm featured in countless movies. A huge mothballed fleet of commercial aircraft, The Devil’s Punchbowl.
There’s a surplus store by the nearby airport and several vintage warbirds. My resident nephew took me. A bell rang as we opened the door. I heard big band music from a small office. Lady sort of floated out. Reminded me of Dracula’s wives in BW. May I assist you? Of, just having a look.
She fades silently back to the office.
Everything has a dessicated smell
Like an Egyptian mummy that would shatter if dropped. It’s piled haphazardly And few price tags.
Then I see it; the full dress uniform of a Scottish regiment seargent- major. I can just make out a faded stencil ‘ Duncan Campbell’
I wonder how Duncan’s kit made its way to a desert surplus store?
We decide to leave. Vera is singing ‘ don’t know when——‘
We cross the street to the petrol convenience store. A dog staggers past , only living thing with a purpose. I buy a supersized cherry coke slurpy( crushed ice flavored)
We get in the car as a brief dust storm obliterates the world. I play with the radio. Los Angeles folk music programme just comes in with delicate adjustment of older Japanese dials.
It’s a popular Scottish singer from the 1990s
I tell my nephew ‘ Take me home’
That night I inventory my surplus gear for name tags.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.