Shining Cliff Woods - An offer


Full Member
Dec 23, 2006
I walk my dogs around there so might drop by when date is set. Have camped there in the past and it can get busy with walkers/cyclists/fishermen/motorcycles, oh and drunken wallies so dont expect too much privacy at times. There are two good pubs nearby, the Bear being a favourite.


Full Member
May 19, 2009
Hello all,
Just received this from the people over there:

"Hi Rhyan, yes it's fine for November or early next year. Let me know dates, numbers of adults and children and a name and address for the booking form."

So chap - are doing November or 2016?

Nov I could do: 20/21/22 0r 27/28/29




Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 13, 2015
Think I'm good for those days if I can get down and you don't mind me tagging along rhyan :)


Full Member
May 19, 2009
I am going to email them back on Friday with a final list of names and numbers. So if you can pm me or post your name here to confirm you want to go that's cool.
How does donating £10 each person sound?


Full Member
May 19, 2009
So we have:


2 more place left peeps :)


Full Member
May 19, 2009
Yes Kurt - come along

so we now have:

Honest Outrage

1 place left.



Full Member
May 19, 2009
Here are the rules:


Bus stop and train station in Ambergate. Half hour walk by footpath to Grith Pioneers' land.

Shining Cliff Woods is designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). Owners of an SSSI are obliged by law to follow strict rules governing the use of the land. Normally this would exclude the use of the land for camping and associated activities but we have special permission from Natural England (the government agency that polices SSSIs) to allow a limited amount of camping. The only camping allowed is simple camping causing minimal environmental damage. Please abide by these rules so we can protect the ecology of the woods and continue to be allowed to camp.

1. Permission must be obtained from the booking secretary (email below). You must use the site allocated to you (see map).

2. Fees £2 per adult camper per night and £1 per night children under 16 or at school.

3. There is considerable risk of spreading fire, both on the surface and through the underlying peat. Extreme care must therefore be taken with fires at all times.

4. Fires must be confined to the prepared fire pits. One is provided at each camping area. Fires must not be sited on the terraces prepared for pitching tents.

5. Felling of timber, whether dead or alive, is not allowed. You may use fallen dead sycamore or sweet chestnut for firewood.

6. Do not to interfere with springs, pumps or water supplies to properties on Beggarswell or the Hostel.

7. YOU WILL NEED TO TAKE YOUR OWN DRINKING WATER. Water may be taken from the stone storage tank next to the path to the hostel. This water, or water collected from any other source in the woods, is NOT fit for drinking and may not always be available.

8. Do not damage live trees: study wild plants and animals only in situ.

9. Please do not interfere with environmental projects such as nest boxes and branches making barriers to block unauthorised paths. Please do not dismantle terrace retaining walls or any other walls.

10. All china, glass, tins, plastic and other litter must be removed from the woods when you leave. In order to discourage unauthorised campers please also clear from the site any unused firewood and stones, logs, etc. used as camp furniture.

11. YOU WILL NEED TO TAKE A SPADE. A wet pit at least 60 cm. square and 1 metre deep must be used to dispose of waste water. Toilet trenches 25-30 cm. wide and at least 1 metre deep (length according to duration of camp and number of campers) must be dug and the contents kept covered with soil. All toilets must be backfilled to a minimum depth of 15cm.(6ins). If a chemical toilet is used the contents must be disposed of in a pit 60cm. square and allowing 10cm. for each emptying plus 10cm. for the final cover. Each discharge of the toilet bucket must be covered immediately with a 3 cm. layer of soil. Toilet trenches and chemical toilet disposal pits must be sited at least 50 metres away from camping areas and footpaths, 100 metres away from water courses.

12. Campers must ensure that their activities do not cause annoyance to other campers, other users of the Woods or local residents. Amplified music/sound systems are not allowed. Generators and other mechanised equipment is not allowed.

13. Take your "permission to camp" form with you to camp, as you may be asked to produce it by members of Grith Pioneers or the local volunteer Warden.

14. Shining Cliff Woods contain many potential hazards. These are part of the attraction of the woods but Grith Pioneers cannot accept any responsibility for accidents. YOU MUST MAKE SURE THAT YOU AND YOUR GROUP ARE AWARE OF THE HAZARDS AND THAT YOU ARE ADEQUATELY INSURED TO COVER ANY CLAIM ARISING FROM AN ACCIDENT.

15. There is parking space for a very limited number of vehicles. Please keep vehicles to a minimum. Only drive beyond the chain barrier if there is a real emergency. The track into the woods is very rough and all users take and park vehicles in the woods at their own risk.

16. We can only allow a limited amount of camping in the woods. Please do not put details about camping at Shining Cliff on the internet, as this creates a demand we cannot meet.

17. Unfortunately illegal campers often use the camping areas. Many leave a considerable amount of rubbish. Although volunteers frequently clear rubbish, you may need to do this before you camp.
PLEASE BEWARE OF BROKEN GLASS. Grith Pioneers would be very grateful if you would dispose of cleared rubbish by taking it home with you.

18. Take great care to preserve the natural environment. Shining Cliff Woods has been designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest ( SSSI). We could be forbidden to camp there if the rules for camping are not followed. Please help us to preserve this privilege by complying with these rules.



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 13, 2015
What's the terrain like? Just so I can tailor kit accordingly, and know weather I need my walking stick lol.
Also, we using separate sites or big communal camp?
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Full Member
Sep 4, 2015
East Yorkshire
Since we get allocated a site and we have to use a prepared fire pit, I'd imagine we'll all be in a communal camp. I could be wrong though.

I'd like to know more about rule 7. Is that just a generic disclaimer for wild water sources or are there chemicals to worry about?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Full Member
May 19, 2009
From what I gather there is a communal fire pit area and we will be camping in one area, but not falling on top of one another so to speak.

The terrain is easy going Mick - if you have a nosy at the trip report I post, the pictures are from the area. A few small inclines to up the heart rate. You might want sticks if you want to head to the Derwent river (about 1/2 mile) as the tracks down are quite steep and muddy.

Water - there are a lot of running streams in and around the area. I have collected from these and boiled the water and been OK. There is evidence of old industry around and I think the tanks at the Hostal may be contaminated / cautionary just in case. I will probably take my own water again to be on the safe side though. I have even knocked on the door of one of the houses in the area in the past and politely ask for a refill. I think the owners of the site need to cover themselves just in case. The pond that is there used to be a swimming pond, now its got danger deep water signs..........


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 13, 2015
Sounds good to me rhyan, would seem a bit of a shame to go all that way and sit talking to myself in the woods lol. Good to know in the terrain, bit of a bum knee you see, nothing drastic I just take it easy on slippy ground.
Any of y'all veggies? I always bring home made burgers and sausages along camping but my missus makes vegan ones too for anyone that's not a meat eater... Strangely she isn't vegan lol


May 5, 2014
United Kingdom
Any of y'all veggies? I always bring home made burgers and sausages along camping but my missus makes vegan ones too for anyone that's not a meat eater... Strangely she isn't vegan lol

This trip just gets better and better :eek::p I do love a good burger, is there anything I could bring to along as well for the group?

I'm sure I could dig out my hip flask and some scotch ;)

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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 13, 2015
This trip just gets better and better :eek::p I do love a good burger, is there anything I could bring to along as well for the group?

I'm sure I could dig out my hip flask and some scotch ;)

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
Usually with woodpigeon, venison rabbit etc mind so some people don't want to try them. But they're really quite nice if I do say so myself! A hip flask is always a good idea!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.