Leather Crafters, can I have your opinions please? Am I being too picky?


Full Member
Apr 15, 2010
i disagree...'fair' would be them getting off ebay and finding a different job.

the only reason theyve been so amicable is because they know theyre fighting a losing battle. lets not start making out theyre decent because theyre in fear of losing their seller benefits due to poor feedback or doing what ebay/paypal would force them to do anyway...

its veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery rare that i've had any kind of issue either on ebay, bcuk, at shows etc etc and when i have it genuinely upsets me and i lose sleep over this kinda thing. i doubt very much this would apply to them.


I have emailed the seller and to their credit they immediately and without argument (on a sunday evening too) emailed me a pre-paid postage label to send it back for a full refund.

Can't say fairer than that.

cheers for your thoughts folks

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Oct 27, 2013
It must be very frustrating for someone like yourself to see this Sonni, I get that. You work extremely hard not only to promote your work and get it out there to a suitable appreciative audience that you can actually make a living from it, (congrats on the Heinnie deal btw!) but also you are skillful and conscientious enough to produce proper work in the first place!

I can see it would be annoying to see people chancing their luck with selling substandard and cheap stuff with a "if anyone complains just insta-refund them to keep them quiet" type attitude. (if that's what this guy is doing).


Full Member
Apr 15, 2010
hi...kool....yupyup...and i've had some victorious run ins with people who (appear) to put out this kind of 'work' in the past which has been well documented here on BCUK....

but its not just about ME ME ME and leatherwork...i hate this sort of thing across the board at every level of society and the people behind it. really gets up my nose. they say it 'takes all sorts''...i dont agree with that.

i daresay the seller in question is a lovely caring, honest, person in real life of course, ahem....so maybe my emotion has been mis-placed and if so i apologise.

anyway, glad its sorted out for you and thanks for bringing it to everyones attention.

and yup....if you want a proper bag....see dready and luckylee....depending on which style you like....youre not ever going to disappointed with the bags and satchels they produce.

be well!


It must be very frustrating for someone like yourself to see this Sonni, I get that. You work extremely hard not only to promote your work and get it out there to a suitable appreciative audience that you can actually make a living from it, (congrats on the Heinnie deal btw!) but also you are skillful and conscientious enough to produce proper work in the first place!

I can see it would be annoying to see people chancing their luck with selling substandard and cheap stuff with a "if anyone complains just insta-refund them to keep them quiet" type attitude. (if that's what this guy is doing).


Sep 6, 2011
I've only made a few items from leather so something like that bag is definitely better than what I could achieve but in saying that, I wouldn't consider selling something that isn't perfect either. A seller should always put themselves in the customers shoes and ask themselves a hypothetical question of whether they'd be happy if that was an item they'd received; would they be happy to use it? Would they be happy to give it to a family member (other than mother in law, of course)? If the answer is 'yes', it should be fine for sale but I couldn't imagine any true craftsman could look at the item in the original post and be truly happy with it. It looks like the work of a novice or someone very rushed, which would explain the price, but whilst a low price may explain shoddy work, it doesn't excuse it.

I'm glad you got your refund, mate!

bushwacker bob

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 22, 2003
You got what you paid for.
If you wanted a handmade piece of leatherwork that was well made, ask Sonni. It would cost you at least 5 times the price in his time.
It is leather and functional and worth what you paid.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.