Are you a sexist

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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Hahaha, the courtesy of helping her beloved see that she had bought him a lovely gift, she turnt on the nice gesture so the war began, It was all over a simple misunderstanding, someone will have to explain it to her.

Go on finish the sentance with "in short words, with not too many syllables". It's also called lighting the blue touch paper and retiring to a safe distance.


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
I've often wondered when it became the norm for the female gender to define "acceptable behaviour" for the male gender....but not for the reverse to be true.

If this is about equality....surely either women should stop telling men how to behave....or men should start telling women :)

Anyone brave enought to start telling women what to do???! Good luck!


"Neo-eisimeileachd ALBA"
Dec 1, 2005
Oh the air of depression is lifting from my shoulders, I,m doing the ironing with a smile on my face and can,t wait till I start the hoovering and dusting. I know the housework will never be done right because its not the way SWMBO would have done it, but I try my best after all I am just a man. After all I am just the person with the wallet bearing thighs.

I,m watching loose women at the moment(wife has the remote again) hoping they can direct my life and solve my emotions and point my life in the right direction. Perhaps I can find out what the female species actually want and how they would like to be treated, It,s better than wimbledon the verbal rallies are incredible, everyone is vying for last word and no one is allowed to finish a sentence without getting interupted. None of these women are ever wrong and they are always right, perhaps its because they are all blessed to be Mrs Neverwrongs.

Does anyone have the answer, I think finding the holy grail would be easier at times than trying to please some of them. Oh and Rik-uk3 my wife says your terrible and I am not allowed and should not be looking at your thread.

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British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
My mate had a very "lib" wife, he warned me about her. When we met I said
"damn thats a fine looking woman Simon, lovely to meet yah maid, is the kettle on? I'm gasping"

I got my cuppa (apparently the first she had made in years). I also made her a cup of tea at mine later (naturally). Apparently she just thought I was "an old fashioned bloke". She was right.


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
Got me thinking about what I do doorwise. Reckon it changes really. If I'm in my own world (kind of happens a lot sometimes) then I am on auto-pilot so just open door and go through. If conscious I tend to hold back and let people go through before me if we get there at the same time. A little change in pace allows the issue of door opening to be left in the little dear's hands as to whether she holds it open for me to catch. Other times I'll get there first and hold it open after I've walked through and other times I'll stop open the door andhold it open for her to go through first. The last two depends if the door is openingaway from me or towards me.

Then there is the case where I think I've got a chance here... that is when I turn on the full gentleman thing, making a big deal of it by exaggerating the motion. If she shows displeasure I tone it down or stop completely and just go back to default polite manners like I do with men and women normally (as above).

I must say one thing I got told in a Swedish, airport, hotel bar by a Scouser (or a Scot) who had worked the Scandinavian countries for years. Apparently The Norwegians are into equality and never get this issue. The door is opened by whoever gets there first and they go through. The door is left to close or the next person catch it. Basically it is everyone out for themselves. Noone has to do something for the other person. It is a more equal mindset they have. Men and women are not impolite just the ideas as to what is polite is equal for all. That is not to say allowing the door to slam behind you is what happens. That is just ignorant in any country I think.

Anyway the reason I remember that is because he said that being a "gentleman" never happens with a Norwegian man. He said the Brits are actually one of the few nationalities that still operate that way and as a result (and this is what made me really remember it) the Norwegian women really like the British men. If you are a British man in a Norwegian bar of club and you behave as a gentleman you get lucky more often than other nationalities. He did say certain Norwegian towns and cities were better for this too. Can't remember which.

Now I apoligise profusely to any Norwegians on here as I am sure it is not true but I have heard the Scandinavian countries do have a more equal outlook on genders than us Brits. I just don't believe in what that guy told me and I hope you won't take offence at that tale.

PS I've never had a problem with doing what I do normally whether offended lasses when I opened the door or when I didn't. Guess women just don't care as much about that sort of thing up here in the north west of England. Reckon its a more southern or townie, right-on thing to be offended and we don't have those sorts round here.


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
I know the housework will never be done right because its not the way SWMBO would have done it, but I try my best after all I am just a man. After all I am just the person with the wallet bearing thighs.Damn right there!

I,m watching loose women at the moment(wife has the remote again) hoping they can direct my life and solve my emotions and point my life in the right direction. Perhaps I can find out what the female species actually want and how they would like to be treated, It,s better than wimbledon the verbal rallies are incredible, everyone is vying for last word and no one is allowed to finish a sentence without getting interupted. None of these women are ever wrong and they are always right, perhaps its because they are all blessed to be Ms not Mrs Neverwrongs.


BTW as soon as any man find the answer on this I can guarantee it will be wrong.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 8, 2009
Warrington, UK
there's alot of talk about the balance being out again, this time toward female domination (giggedy) and that men shouldn't have to be "Metrosexuals" or any of this bloody nonsense, i reckon as a nation we're still finding our feet when it comes to gender issues and i fear we'll be arguing for many years to come.



Mar 1, 2009
northern ireland
when i met SWMBO i knew she was my Mrs Wright :) just didn't realise her first name was Always :(

Filcon......mate, we have to meet and put the world to rights with beer ! :)


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
Beer is good for that. Sloe gin, wine, shorts and beer just makes it wrong the next day. Does with me. Bacon butties make everything alright again though.

Be who you are and sod the rest of them. Put a label on me and I am sure I'll have a label in my head for you too, just I keep it to myself unlike you you ignorant PC person. If you can't be polite due to some PC policy then the policy is wrong not being polite. BTW Me old Mum used to work in a uni sector colledge that specialised in the more PC sectors (social sciences, nursing and another one that's PC too) she kept getting emailed memorandums listing phrases that were now banned as being politically incorrect. Trouble was sometimes she got ones saying something was wrong then the next week another one saying they had got it wrong and that phrase was now correct. Seems some PC thought police person had heard a phrase and thought some minority would be offended so had it added to that weeks or month's memorandum. Then that minority had put in a complaint that the correction was more offensive to their particular minority (and IIRC everyone who worked for them fitted into one or more minorities there were so many of them). It was totally messed up situation and most people ignored it. It was rare to hear of anyone getting reprimanded for using a banned phrase anyway as they probably would have someone from a union on the case and the thing would be dropped. What a world, eh?!


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
What does it say about metrosexuals if they put a large, chrome false exhaust pipe on the end of the pipe? Is that a size issue or complex thing going on?


"Neo-eisimeileachd ALBA"
Dec 1, 2005
I got told once that being married was like a christmas panto. You get all excited and dressed up to get to the panto, then you meet your princess the woman of your dreams. Then once the plot thickens and you come to your senses you find she has got hundreds of ugly sisters and pals and the X mother in law is a real witch.

But as Culloch said I have now found my princess( not British Leyland ) and I am allowed to be very happy, that and the fact Gill and Barnowl would have grassed on me to the wife. Even the fair minded women in our lives realise that PC has went to far at times.
Need more women like Sarah Palin in Alaska.
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Need to contact Admin...
Jun 9, 2008
There was something on the radio the other night - I was only half-listening as I was doing other things at the same time. On it was a 'character' who was into camping/outdoor/survival skills. You can imagine the cliches. He even came out with sexist comments and I'm sure I heard something along the lines of him refusing to say and think what people 'tell' him to say and think. I ignored it because I thought I knew us 'bushcrafter' types were different - I'll leave them to get on with their simple-minded cliches, I thought, because that's all they are.

Having read this thread I can see where that stereotype comes from, because you're all falling straight into it. You may mutter about not wanting to be pigeon-holed and then you go and let yourselves down by saying some of the things you have on this thread (not to mention the fist-in-the-mouth embarrassingly sexist 'Bushcraft Betty' - but it's only good fun, isn't it? And none of the female members of this forum complain...etc).

No wonder I visit this forum less and less. Apart from enjoying being outside, I think I am having less and less in common with users of this site and do, on occasion, find myself ashamed to be on it. That's easily remedied though.

Political correctness is not about modifying people's thoughts. Think of it as courtesy. Having the courtesy to refer to people and treat people in the manner in which they wish to be treated. And don't confuse political correctness with stupid local government initiatives to rename Christmas 'Winterval' (for example). Right wing journalists, such as Richard Littlejohn, report such things and come out with that giveaway phrase 'it's political correctness gone mad.' And it seems as if there are one or two idiots using this forum who believe such things. All they are doing is trying to hijack and besmirch political correctness because they want the power back, they are uncomfortable to share equality. It's got nothing to do with PC. And neither has opening the door for someone. Someone refusing that is not a PC monster, they are a bell end. Don't confuse the two.

What's more, each and everyone of us has benefitted at some point from political correctness, I am sure.

Oh well. I suppose the thought will be lost on some of you.

Good bye.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 20, 2005
Durham City, County Durham
Hmmm... After bein' on this planet for over sixty years, and bein' married (to the same woman) for over forty one years, I realised a long time ago that the two sexes will never think alike. Men are from Mars and women are from Venus, and it's pretty accurate. Our brains work differently. So it's best just to let them think they are always right, agree with them when you need to, then just get on with what you want to do. I found it is easier to avoid arguments by using reverse psychology. Let them think they thought of the idea then you just go do it. They think you are carrying out their wishes and piece reigns.

Holding a door open for someone is simply good manners. If my good manners are rejected with hostility from a femail, I will retort with "What's up wi' you dear? Is yer vibrator not workin'?" That usually spoils their day.

On the question of gentlmanly behaviour, on the last few trips to eastern europe (Bulgaria) I got into the habit of gently bowing and kissing the woman's hand when being introduced. Goodness me, they loved it! In Poland they still often do, but it seems a lost practice most places.

I don't consider myself to be a sexist though, just a gentleman - unless challenged or riled.

Why do brides get married in white? So they match the fridge and cooker.


John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Treat everyone as if they are interesting and friendly - until you find out otherwise .... then TRY to pretend you still think that when you are forced to comunicate with them....
If that fails - tell em what you realy think....


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