A long overdue escape and a much needed restorative tonic.

A much needed night out was needed. A chance to escape, relax and allow the inner self to recharge, reflect on recent events and work out a way forwards. I normally prefer to take the hammock but I was taking my dog out for her first overnighter. I figured it would be easier to keep an eye on her if I took a tent. Plus she makes a great bed warmer and of course company and amusement.

Here is the tent. I believe it is a CVRT crew shelter, the date stamp is 1973. I had to make the rear support poles as it would normally be attached to a vehicle. As soon as it was up the dog made herself at home inside. This was fine by me as it stopped her from wandering off with tent pegs or the mallet in her mouth.


Isla on guard sat inside the tent.


Looking back to base camp.


The shadows began to grow in length so it must be time to fire up the ammo fire box and start getting some food ready. Sausages cooking and browning nicely on the hotplate, watched intently by Isla just out of frame while the foil wrapped baked potatoes cook on the grill to go with the chilli on the coleman stove. Isla had the sausages with her dry food, dogs digestive system with spicy food in an enclosed area? Enough said.


Soon after food was consumed the Sun began to drop and so did the temperature.


Remove the hot plate and grill bars and stoke up the fire. Isla spent a few minutes by the fire and a few minutes away sat staring into the darkness. I am not scared of the dark or the noises nature makes. It was great to be able to sit there and be able to hear and pick out/name the various animal calls and direction. Isla has the advantage with her big ears and used her to back up my idea of direction. All was going well as I sat feeding the fire, staring into the flames. "GGRRRR!" Isla suddenly started to growl at the darkness. I called her but she ignored me but now stood up and so did her hackles!?!? What would you do? Ignore or investigate? I decided to investigate, grabbed my torch and Isla and walked towards the source of her attention. I shone my torch beam in the direction and a set of eyes glinted back at me. I blinked and tried to focus but they were gone with out a sound!?!? I looked at Isla who had already turned round and was heading back to camp.


I put the fire out and turned in for the night. I had to fight Isla to get into the sleeping bag. Once more in the night Isla was growling and snarling in the same direction as before!?!? I turned a torch on tapped her and said that what ever it was, this is their ground and we are the guests so hush up and settle down. I woke the next morning with Isla wrapped up/under the poncho liner snoring loudly. Outside was covered in frost but it soon cleared as the Sun came up. I took Isla for a good walk and play to warm us both up before getting the breakfast on. Isla sat in the Sun and again on watch duty, well watching the fried breakfast coming together.


All to soon it was time to pack up and return to civilisation. One of the biggest thrills is to vacate the area leaving no trace of ever being there. I was hoping to have took more pictures and some video but this trip was more of a personal escape and relax mission. I think I may just have found a new and unspoilt location. A few vehicles went by, a group of dirt bikes but no one stopped or looked in my direction. The two mountain bikers and dog walkers also went by without even a glance.


Full Member
Oct 29, 2012
Great little report that. Lovely dog. I've got a GSD too and they make great bed warmers.

How on earth did you carry that crew tent in? Those things weigh a ton!


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
Isla looks a fine beast! I reckon there's more than a few who would think twice before fighting her for the sleepeing bag! :)
Mick721, you are right they are a heavy piece of kit. I was lucky to be able to get the car nearby during the day to unload. A case of a few trips, first tent and set up, then sleep system, cooking kit and food. The reverse order when packing up.

Macaroon, she quite well trained and does as she is told, well most of the time. She is a clever one though, obey first and then try to get away with it second. Below is a picture or two of me trying out a new sleeping bag.

Isla watches and then decides she needs to test it out.


"I cannot see you, so you cannot see me hiding in here"


"What you mean its time to get out? You left it on the floor its mine! Got a problem with that?"

May 16, 2011
Nice little trip repost there looks like a nice spot. Makes me want to get out for an overnighter but can't anytime soon :'(

Isla its a beaut, nothing better that a furry bed warmer on a cold night.

Thanks for sharing.



Feb 27, 2014
Nice trip report, was Isla growling at Muntjac there are alot around the Thetford area
Where I overnighted it was like wildlife central, both day and night. I agree it was more than likely a Muntjac that Isla was growling at. There is a huge open grass area about 100 yards away. Dusk and dawn it was alive with deer, pheasant, hare and the odd fox. During the day a pair of common buzzard could be seen and heard.

I explored the open grass area again the next day. At the far end was an even bigger fenced off area. I followed the fence and came to a stile and kissing gate with a rather green notice board. The area is a nature reserve set up about 10 to 15 years ago. Members of the public are free to explore and wander freely across it all. The only signs of any human intervention was a wide mown grass area that followed the fence line. The area looks like a recreation or return to of what Breckland would have been like before man can along. The area does not feature on any of the maps I have nor can I find it mentioned online.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Great report and pictures. And a very cute dog too. Seems you've got a really nice and comfy set up there.

Cheers for posting.

Disruptive Pattern

Apr 25, 2014
East Coast
Cracking post mate, love the dog, I had a GSD about 18 years ago, brilliant guard dog (arnt they all) Didn't do anything he didn't want to do, a great friend.
Really does look a great place, really enjoyed the report. Thanks.


Full Member
Jan 29, 2007
Good report, thanks. My dog does that occasionally, growls at the night. It can be a bit unnerving. Most times I ignore it but a couple of occasions when he seems really intent on something out there I 've gone to investigate. Never seen anything. Most likely fox or deer.


Jul 29, 2013
Great report mate thanks so much for sharing it! My Nikki (also a German Shep) wouldn't do a nighter, she gets aggy if we're out more than a couple of hours.

I laughed at that last pic, so different to my baby but that cheekiness is there!


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