A Canadian 'Hello' from Oxford


Hi everyone,

My name's Cory and I'm new to the bushcrafting world. I'm a PhD student at Southampton Uni (though living in Oxford) studying Palaeolithic archaeology, hence a big interest in primitive technologies and bushcraft. I like flint knapping and have been practicing for a couple years now, and my husband and I enjoy exploring Britain's walking trails. I'm currently trying to learn to recognize more tree types - being from Canada (Vancouver Island, pacific northwest) and surrounded by mostly conifers, there's been lots to learn!

Two years ago myself and a few colleagues at Oxford Uni started a Palaeolithic technologies society (check out our group on Facebook, the Oxford Palaeotechology Society) where we run fun sessions for people to learn more about stone age behaviour in a hands-on way. It's been really interesting. Please PM me if you'd like to be added to our mailing list, we'll be starting up new events in the Autumn (open to everyone, £5 for a year long membership!)

I just bought my first bushcraft knife and it's on its way in the post (a Mora Clipper) and I'm looking forward to making a sheath for it out of some spare leather when it comes (is hair-on cow hide a good idea or no?).

I'm looking forward to learning lots on the forum :)



Oh wow - I'm thrilled to see another BCer! Those mountains are so beautiful they make me weep. The number one thing I miss living in England... I'm thinking a move to North Wales is in order when I 'grow up' and am no longer a student.

Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
Cory: "Super, Natural British Columbia" is still as spectacular as you remember. Google McBride, BC to look at my place.

As you may well know, there are deposits of copper metal all over North America. They have been mined since the last ice age retreat and
people came east and south from Beringia. My interest (at the expense of my wood carving) has been to forge some copper blades, just to test their
performance = excellent for just about any kitchen application. I've made 2 knives from 1/4" copper rod and plan 2 adze blades from 1/4" x 2" x 5" pieces.


Hi Boots, I just added you to our mailing list :) I hope you can join us in the Autumn. WP is 'Wilderness Pioneers', a (fantastic) bushcraft company out of Oxfordshire.

Robson Valley, McBride looks like everything I miss from BC! Minus the ocean - I need a bit of that ocean :)

Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
Me too. I lived on the coast for a few years and still miss it.

Tremendous domoic acid shellfish poisoning episode that now runs from Mexico to Alaska.
Just as bad, it stretches some 30 miles off the coast down to 600'. Sea Lion, Otter, you name it are dying.
Cooking does not destroy the toxin at all. Fish are OK as they're not a part of that food web.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 15, 2008
Welcome to the forum Cory. I just got back from visiting my parents for 3 weeks in Courtenay/Comox. Lovely part of the world. I'm from the prairies myself but only live up the road from Oxford. Plenty to learn and do in England as well as on the forum...


Hi sasquatch, what a coincidence, I went to high school in Courtenay and my mom lives in Comox :) I hope you had a nice time, I hear it's been blisteringly hot?

It's true, there's lots to do here... some of it, like access to great walks, is a lot easier since I don't have a car...!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jun 15, 2008
It was 30+ every day bar two of them. Have to say I like Cumberland even more than Courtenay/Comox, it's more rootin tootin. It's like my hometown moved from the prairies to the mountains. But the beer of choice there is Lucky Lager instead of Pilsner and the jobs are logging instead of oil rigs! All good either way.

The close proximity of going abroad and public transport are a massive bonus over here. That and no bears or mountain lions when you camp of course.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.