Worst injury

While this has to be one of the funniest threads on the site it's also a timely reminder that I must book on that first aid course

A while back a fell i know and I were scouting a hillside in Tuscony when he trod on a rock that was as stable as Kerry Katona and took a big tumble down the hillside

I only later learned that we should have strapped the arm to his side BEFORE we took the drive through the mountains o the hospital - he could have severed an artery and bled to death on the way.
Take care


Nov 23, 2009
Prague - CZ
Whilst working in a metal work shop (mainly dealing with body work for 40' trailers) we were converting a standard flatbed trailer to a chicken carrier. Me being the only sprog there (working on weekends in my last year at school) I was given the dubious honor of cutting off all the tie-down points along the length of the trailer with an angle grinder. After about 90mins and 2 disks I had a disk shatter (I wasn't wearing any safety equipment, I'd already set my overalls alight but that's another story). Most of the disk went flying across the workshop one bit went through my Walkman and into my leg about 4" to the right of a piece of my anatomy I am very attached to. Not really any pain and no blood, the disk was red hot so it cauterized as it went in. the worse bit was going to the hospital and getting all the cooked bits cut away. I'm still very nervy around angle grinders to this day.



Aug 7, 2010
While this has to be one of the funniest threads on the site it's also a timely reminder that I must book on that first aid course

A while back a fell i know and I were scouting a hillside in Tuscony when he trod on a rock that was as stable as Kerry Katona and took a big tumble down the hillside

I only later learned that we should have strapped the arm to his side BEFORE we took the drive through the mountains o the hospital - he could have severed an artery and bled to death on the way.
Take care

That looks a bit like my left arm before they put it back together .



Jan 14, 2011
Herts, beds, bucks border
I have a really nice scar from when I was 7, I was walking along the top of the wall outside my grand parents and fell off, as luck would have it I put my hand right through a milk bottle and cut my wrist badly missing 2 of the larger vaines by less than 1mm, then I showed my dad what had happend (a fireman of over 10 years at the time) he panicked and went to pull out the large whitish stone in the wound and suddenly niticed I had also cut the pad of my hand and what he had just grabbed hold of was the tendion/ligerment which needed to stay just where it was!

The worst I have had to deal with was when a young lad rode his bike across the road without looking and ended up flying 12-15 feet stright up after bouncing his head off the windscreen without the aid of a helmet, I couldnt work out what the clear fluid was that was running out of his ear was intill the police turned up and told me.

I did come across hypothermia case one day when I was bunking off school, a tramp went to sleep in a headge in the middle of nowhere one febuary night, and started to feel walm because the first thing I found was his sleeping bag, then his coat, jumper and T shirt, unfortunatly I was two days too late getting to him, the poor sod died trying to take his jeans off and the crows found him before I did and it wasnt nice is all I should need to say


Aug 7, 2010
So when i broke my arm it was saturday the 13th august i past my driving test on friday the 13th of august and i sliced my
finger down to the bone and through a tendon on friday the 13th of august. my lucy number happens to be 13.

A nice new blade in a staley knife is a scary thing when you are not looking at what you are cutting .

i forgot to say i got 13 stiches as well! the damage to the tendon wasn't to bad but i can't straighten it .

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Aug 7, 2010
Ouch, what did you do when it initially happened?

I just held my hand firmly shut as i knew it was a deep one , holding it shut there was hardly any blood .
i went and found the boss and told him i was off to A+E but he wanted to see it first , i put it in the sink and opened my hand and started to fill the sink with blood .
Gave it a good rinse then put a dressing on it and walked to the hospital , the first nurse i saw wanted to see it to assess how bad it was so i said is there a sink handy .
I had to wait for an hour and a half to see a doctor to have it stiched up.

Being self employed i was back at work on the monday till i dropped a worktop on my finger then took the rest of the week off .



Jan 1, 1970
mendip hills, somerset
a young lad came up to the the shelter myself a mate and my girlfreind where living in at that time, he was playing with an opinel trying to carve sticks under my supervision and after my instruction which included putting the lock on, i turned away for a few seconds to feed the burner, next thing i heard was a scream, the opinel had collapsed on his finger resulting in this...


we splinted the finger with the other finger, wrapped a wound dressing around it whilst his blood ran down his finger on to my combats and arms, we called an ambulance which was at the nearest road within 10 minites.


Dec 15, 2005
Not too painful but a strange sensation was when I dislocated my knee cap when playing rugby, it made it's way round to the back of my leg somehow, the nurses in A&E just used a rubber mallet to tap it back round to where it should be.

Once jumped off a garage roof when I was on a college night out, broke my ankle in two places and knocked myself out, woke up in taxi on the way to hospital. Never sobered up so quick in my life.

Another was slip streaming a small shopper bus on my push bike in one of the local villages, as it braked for a humpback bridge I slipped down the inside to beat it to the bridge and hit a parked car. Broken collar bone, big chunks of skin missing from the palms of my hand and two broken teeth.

I think one of the worst I ever witnessed was a mate at school going over handle bars on his bike and ripping open his gentlemans bits, almost down to his knee I tell you !


Aug 7, 2010
I went round a bend on my mountain bike doing about 25 mph , there was a suzuki jeep coming the other way in the middle of the road doing about the same speed .
We hit head on my bike went right over the car and i landed on the bonnet . there was a 8inch red skidmark on the bonnet where my nose made contact .
the bike was fine i was ok apart from a broken nose , i cycled up to A+E but it was realy busy and i was going out on a date in a couple of hours , so i just left it .
As it had been broken before it ended up straighter than before i hit the car .


John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
a young lad came up to the the shelter myself a mate and my girlfreind where living in at that time, he was playing with an opinel trying to carve sticks under my supervision and after my instruction which included putting the lock on, i turned away for a few seconds to feed the burner, next thing i heard was a scream, the opinel had collapsed on his finger resulting in this...


we splinted the finger with the other finger, wrapped a wound dressing around it whilst his blood ran down his finger on to my combats and arms, we called an ambulance which was at the nearest road within 10 minites.

Looks to me that folk around you pick up bad cuts! - Ouch!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 24, 2010

Think I got a little carried away with mine. Went between chain and rear sprocket on my bike 22 years ago.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I was going to post last night but suddenly the PC went on the blink and I couldn't get online again. Anyway about your missing little finger Johnnytheboy. I bet that freaks people out when you shake hands with them. In france every man greets another with a handshake, at least in the region I live in. So imagine my horror and uhuhuhuhuh shudder when I shook hands with some bloke who was missing his index finger on his right hand. I totally wasn't expecting that! What got doubly freaky was when I did the same a few months later with a woman and she was missing her index finger too!

Must be some bizarre index finger eating machinery around here that is constantly hungry.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 24, 2010
To be honest it's that long since I don't even notice and nor do many people. I worked with a guy for three years before he spotted it one day and asked what happened.
As for how it effects me, the only time I notice is when carrying heavy objects as you wouldn't believe how much that finger carries.

The one thing I did have to do was learn to write again as you rest on your little finger and my handwriting was horrendous for a while.
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