Is it one of those thin wire ones with balls on the end of the wire?
They are a bit of a pest to wear, constantly slipping off and getting caught in everything, and to be honest, i think they are a bit of a rip off.
Mine is about an inch wide, made out of a piece of copper pipe. Lot better job. The best one I've made, and has been on my wrist for years. I'd never go and buy one.
One would think thinner is better, but after having about 5 or 6, it seems the other way. A wider one sits on the wrist better.
I've got the ends on the inside of my wrist. Just what suits me, I guess.
Don't worry what the experts say, if it works, it works. It must be awfully embarrassing for a multi million pound drug company to see a virtually free copper bracelet having the same effect as their expensive drugs.
I know it used to wind the quacks up something terrible that it worked for my Grandmother.
With a bit of luck, I don't have arthritis, but if I somehow don't wear the bracelet, I feel quite odd within 24 hours.