Wet Woods


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
Enjoyed a great, if damp day out with the two old boys today, ie Hugo & Rockmonkey, the day started off well with a muggy but dry walk to one of our favourite haunts, not long after we had arrived and put the hammocks up, it rained, then it rained some more and for good measure a little more rain was included as well.

Thankfully Rockmonkey had his big tarp with him so he & Hugo sheltered under that, i put up my poncho as a roof, which although it seemed like a good idea, was also a good reminder to take a tarp myself next time, as the poncho is a not as waterproof as it once was,


Hugo soon lifted our spirits though when out of his bag he produced an apple pie, which he warmed up over his gas burner and for pudding, Rm produced home made fruit scones with strawberry jam and fresh cream, hey if you are roughing it, you are doing it wrong, right?



Big thanks go to RM's mum for the scones - bloody lovely they were.

it didn't rain all the time while we were there, we did have a spell of dry(ish) weather where the sun tried to come out for a while



So I took the opportunity to go gather an Ash log for a project i have in mind


the log is just over 2.5 ft long and approx 8" diameter and it's heavy as you can imagine, the log was cut from an Ash that had fallen in a storm, so no trees were actually felled in order to obtain the timber - and yes, i have permission to remove timber.

Shortly after the last cut was made it started to rain again, so back to the hammocks and another brew up, Hugo found a superb Cramp Ball on the way back up slope to the camp area


anyways, we sat there chewing the cud, having a laugh, doing a bit of carving in the rain, as you do, then the clouds parted and the sky turned a funny colour - blue, so we figured it was a good opportunity to pack up and head back the mile or so it was we had to walk to get back to the cars, before the next rain band came in.

Quick look back at the woods and the mists starting to rise from the canopy



superb day out again as it always is, roll on next week, just hope it's a bit drier next time round, as im going to get soaked again tomorrow looking at the forecast:(


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Nov 29, 2009
Lost in the woods
Not a bad day out if I say so myself, thanks again for the good company boys.
Food was good as always, tea was hot as it should be, what more could one ask, apart from less rain.


Jan 12, 2012
Some Bimble days will live in your memory forever, and today was definately one of them!
Great company, British summer weather ,and top quality nosh!
What else can a man ask for!
As always, great photo's Kep!
Roll on next week!:)
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