Cover your arms and head with something sweet, jam or honey.
Go into roof space.
Knock down wasp's byke.
Pick up byke.
Exit roof space.
Exit house.
Keep going.
Most of the wasps will be with you and few left in the roof.
Better still.
Call the council pest control officer.
Personally I don my bee veil, go into roof with a torch, bread knife and dustbin sack.
Put torch shining on byke but away from me (errant wasps will go for the light).
Put bag over byke, cut byke down with knife into the bag.
Carry closed bag away.
There are normally very few wasps actually in the roof space, they are more interested in being out in the sunshine or inside the byke.
I rarely get stung, either by wasps or bees and I don't use gloves but do put elastic bands around cuffs so the little beasts don't get trapped. If it bothers you, good old Marigolds work well but avoid yellow.