Wanted: Optimus CLIMBER SVEA 123R

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Jun 10, 2006
south wales

Mike at basecamp is a very nice guy, give him a ring first to make sure its in stock though. Otherwise, just keep looking on ebay, they sell for between £20 and £30 normaly. Most Americans will ship to the UK if you ask them, think I've only been turned down by one seller.

Fine choice of stove there, I love them:cool:


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
seconded! :) (no connection.. etc. etc.) it's where I got mine ;)

especially if you can track down a Sigg tourist cookset to put it in :D

I love my Sigg's :)

Here is a cheap setup to go with the 123, Bulldog billy cans, 2, 4, & 6 pint pots you can use on the stove or hang over a fire

(click images)

This type of pan setup, Bulldog clones, but cheap enough and don't mind a fire
(no connection to seller etc)

You can leave the 2 and 4 pint pots at home and use the space left in the 6 pinter to pack a few things, tea bags, wash up kit, cup a soups, tea towel etc


Need to contact Admin...
Jul 20, 2007
UK / Qatar
How's it going? Found one yet?

Mine (finally) turned up today - I was quite excited :D Just spent four hours getting it going, putting it out and letting it cool (while watching planet earth), lighting it again...
It's very small, a bit heavy, my hands got covered in soot and fuel, it's almost impossible to prime as per the instructions without getting fuel everywhere, and priming itself's more an art than a science...

it's a pyromaniac's dream! I LOVE IT :D :D

There's a definite knack to lighting it without creating a fireball, but it's all part of the fun; it's so simple it's brilliant.
Now why don't optimus produce an updated version? I'm thinking titanium rather than brass (probably half the weight - though perhaps leave the central stem in brass to conduct heat for pressurisation), improve the key control (a fold out control like the nova but with an unscrewable multitool on the end as per the 123?), a vertical slot down the side of the windshield to make it easier to put on over the lit burner, and a deep aluminium or titanium saucepan, and mug (also the saucepan's lid) similar to that of the mini trangia to encase the stove, rather than the mini saucepan it currently comes with.
Like that I think it would be close to being THE perfect petrol stove and mess kit. As it is... well lets face it I love it anyway! :D


Full Member
May 31, 2005
West Devon, Edge of Dartymoor!
There's a definite knack to lighting it without creating a fireball, but it's all part of the fun;
sure is ;)

Now why don't optimus produce an updated version?
If it ain't broke.....

I think the brass and weight is fundamental to it's operation - titanium wouldn't have the thermal mass to keep the fuel vaporising..

One of the more interesting methods I've read about (but not tried yet) for lighting it is to close the tap, turn it upside down and place on a non-flamable surface....

pour some coleman fuel into the dished depression in the base and light it...

When it's burnt out, turn it the right way up, open the tap and light the burner which should fire up right away :eek:

like I say, i've not tried it.......yet..... :cool:


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
They are a really easy stove to light, and where did the soot come from, are you priming with meths or Coleman?


You have just got one of the best stoves ever made, please don't talk about mods for it, its simple, easy to maintain and works fine as it is; but the Sigg set in the video was designed for that stove:)

British Army used a similar stove, by Optimus, housed in an Army case, called the No.7 stove



Need to contact Admin...
Jul 20, 2007
UK / Qatar
aha - that was your video! I did see it while googling the sigg tourist when that first came up on here!

regarding mods... well what can I say; I love it, but nothings perfect and there's always room for improvement! ;) I was thinking titanium for it's lightnesss and its poor heat conductivity - would help insulate it from the ground I would have thought. The brass central stem is probably essential to conduct heat from the burner to the tank.
Anyway, I very much doubt Optimus plan on listening to some dreamer in mid Wales - you're safe for now :D

The soot was probably because I don't have any coleman fuel handy so used unleaded. Not recommended I know, but at least now I know it WILL burn it OK.

You really do have quite a stove collection there though don't you!
By the way speaking to someone the other day they mentioned a 199 stove I think it was? It's apparently also a single person type stove - I don't suppose you know more about it, who manufactured it etc? Sounded interesting anyway.

I've just had the 123 lit again for a coffee. So far I've had it described as sounding like a helicopter taking off and a small jet engine. Hmm...


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
The 199 is the Optimus Ranger, same size case as the 8, but with a BIG burner, plus its multifuel, parafinn, Coleman or (with a restrictor tube and different jet) meths



A very nice stove:)

The 123 WILL burn unleaded, but it WILL clog up the burner much faster than using Coleman or panel wipe, these last two burn cleaner and you don't get the long, lingering smell of petrol when you get a spill


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