Uncontrollable laughter

Dec 29, 2022
East Suffolk
Although it's a rare occurrence, there's nothing quite like it when someone makes you laugh so hard that it just takes over and becomes impossible to stop.
What was the last thing that made you laugh to the point of tears?

Woody girl

Full Member
Mar 31, 2018
It's a long story, but to cut it short, it's the day my friend walked out of a shop by the bridge in Totnes proudly wearing a brand new and expensive straw hat.. moments later, the wind caught it, and blew it off her head into the river. The hopeless attempts to hoopla and rescue it with a life saver ring, as it gently floated upstream and under the bridge on the incoming tide. Eventualy her boyfriend jumped in and swam out to it, and rescued the sodden and misshapen thing to the cheers of a bridge full of spectators . I cried with laughter , and had to stop several times on the way home, as I couldn't drive for laughing. I still crack up at the memory.. and that was 30 yrs ago.!


Sep 29, 2018
SW Wales
As one who has never taken life too seriously, I'm probably guilty of lapsing into that state too easily while others wonder just what was funny..
Fairly recently, a visit from 5 year old Great Grandson. I'm sitting drawing pictures on scrap paper and he's guessing the result. Rocket ship standing on it's tail fins and a figure with big round bubble helmet, air tanks and big boots etc:
"What's that?"
" A Space Craft, GG " ( I get called GG for Great Grandad!)
" And who is that standing beside it?"


I say, "It's a Spaceman isn't it ?"
He looks at me and replies, " Don't be childish GG, it's an Astronaut"....:laugh:


Life Member
Sep 20, 2022
As one who has never taken life too seriously, I'm probably guilty of lapsing into that state too easily while others wonder just what was funny..
Fairly recently, a visit from 5 year old Great Grandson. I'm sitting drawing pictures on scrap paper and he's guessing the result. Rocket ship standing on it's tail fins and a figure with big round bubble helmet, air tanks and big boots etc:
"What's that?"
" A Space Craft, GG " ( I get called GG for Great Grandad!)
" And who is that standing beside it?"


I say, "It's a Spaceman isn't it ?"
He looks at me and replies, " Don't be childish GG, it's an Astronaut"....:laugh:

Reminds me of a conversation between my brother (about 6) and my grandpa (about 80 at the time), who had seen a potential teaching moment.

Grandpa (pointing at some of the rocks jutting out to sea): “Now isn’t that fascinating. Look how those rocks have big white lines running through them. I wonder why they do that?”

Bro (looking at him like he’d just fallen out the nearest tree): *big sigh* “Grandpa, that is an igneous intrusion.”
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It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
Sadly I don't dare repeat the story here as it's way too adult.

All I'll say is to remind those who were there it involves an exclamation mark :D
Dec 29, 2022
East Suffolk
As one who has never taken life too seriously, I'm probably guilty of lapsing into that state too easily while others wonder just what was funny..
Fairly recently, a visit from 5 year old Great Grandson. I'm sitting drawing pictures on scrap paper and he's guessing the result. Rocket ship standing on it's tail fins and a figure with big round bubble helmet, air tanks and big boots etc:
"What's that?"
" A Space Craft, GG " ( I get called GG for Great Grandad!)
" And who is that standing beside it?"


I say, "It's a Spaceman isn't it ?"
He looks at me and replies, " Don't be childish GG, it's an Astronaut"....:laugh:

Reminds me of a conversation between my brother (about 6) and my grandpa (about 80 at the time), who had seen a potential teaching moment.

Grandpa (pointing at some of the rocks jutting out to sea): “Now isn’t that fascinating. Look how those rocks have big white lines running through them. I wonder why they do that?”

Bro (looking at him like he’d just fallen out the nearest tree): *big sigh* “Grandpa, that is an igneous intrusion.”

In the last few years I've discovered the absolute hilarity of talking to young kids... and learnt not to underestimate them.
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Sep 29, 2018
SW Wales
" In the last few years I've discovered the absolute hilarity of talking to young kids... and learnt not to underestimate them."

At just 5 years old his conversations leave me stunned at times. One moment I'm trying to explain something simple to him, and the next he reels off the name of every pictured Dinosaur in a book, the names of which I cannot even pronounce. :)
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Full Member
Jul 19, 2023
The maximum knowledge of dinosaurs lies with four year olds. Later on if they take a degree in paleontology they recover some of it. The second highest understanding of dinosaurs comes when your kids are four.

I and my brother in law spent a family Christmas laughing at a single line from a book by Willy Rushton based upon cricket at the turn of the century.
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Sep 29, 2018
SW Wales
A really memorable one from long ago, especially as it was at a reasonably serious moment in the presence of senior Officers.
I was at the wheel of a Tramp ship doing my 2 hour trick at the wheel, we were homeward bound from Japan and in the Malacca Strait at the time. (about 1962)

The AB who would relieve me at the wheel at Midday was my great ship mate Danny O'Callaghan, a big hard case Irishman from the West coast of Ireland.

Gathering on the bridge wing was the First Mate, Second Mate and the Old Man. Third Mate was in the chart room just behind where I stood at the wheel. Those on the bridge wing were fiddling with sextants for the Noon sight taking. No GPS in those days.

I'm dressed in clean T shirt and shorts, Danny appears....
Green tights, long green shirt outside the tights with a wide belt with large buckle. A tall black home made cardboard hat and green shoes with long pointed toes.
It was St Patrick's Day and Danny wanted to make a point.
For a moment there was utter silence when Danny appeared at the top of the steps leading to the bridge wing, and then shrieks of laughter. The Mate sat down clutching his sextant afraid he would drop it, and the Old Man practically fell into the wheel house. I had trouble seeing the ship's compass through the tears and even funnier was when the young Third Mate came from the Chart Room and found everyone crying with laughter. I remember his face to this day...:laugh:
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Sep 21, 2022
Although it's a rare occurrence, there's nothing quite like it when someone makes you laugh so hard that it just takes over and becomes impossible to stop.
What was the last thing that made you laugh to the point of tears?
When I asked my wife to come out and spend a night in the wilds with me, the look on her face was hilarious


Full Member
Sep 27, 2005
Oxfordshire and Pyrenees-Orientales, France
One of my teachers sent a small boy to me for a headteacher's telling off. I was teaching the top class at the time. They knew me well and pretended to get on with their work while they surreptitiously watched my act. I knew it was an act, they knew it was an act: only the lad on the receiving end didn't and was looking suitably contrite. I then made the mistake of glancing up at my class only to catch the eye of a girl with a mischievous sense of humour who winked at me. I immediately just broke out laughing. My strict teacher act was exposed. The small boy was sent back to his class with a bemused expression on his face which did nothing to help me or my class recover from our hilarity.
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A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
One of my teachers sent a small boy to me for a headteacher's telling off. I was teaching the top class at the time. They knew me well and pretended to get on with their work while they surreptitiously watched my act. I knew it was an act, they knew it was an act: only the lad on the receiving end didn't and was looking suitably contrite. I then made the mistake of glancing up at my class only to catch the eye of a girl with a mischievous sense of humour who winked at me. I immediately just broke out laughing. My strict teacher act was exposed. The small boy was sent back to his class with a bemused expression on his face which did nothing to help me or my class recover from our hilarity.
I can only wish that I had had such teachers in my youth; excellent story!


Feb 12, 2023
I'm sure I have laughed that much, but cannot remember when. However, I recently tried to tell a joke when severely drunk, and reduced the entire event team to uncontrollable collapse and tears of laughter. Eventually they helped me to crawl onto a wood board (on the ground) in the marque to sleep it off overnight.
I've saw the inevitable camera recording later, but they've promised not to release it!
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