Ullswater Wednesday and Thursday.


Sep 16, 2008
east yorkshire
Well the weather looks good and we have wangled a night without the kids thanks to a training course of mine been cancelled. Anyway sis in law said she will still have them so swmbo is coming on her first Uk canoe camping trip.

The plan is to have a gentle paddle up and down Ullswater with a wild camp on one of the many little beachs. I am really looking forward to it.

Was just going to say if anyone is in the vicinity and sees a couple paddling a Charles River canoe give us a shout and we will put the kettle on.

I have been warned that if she gets midged!!! im in for it!! lol ..... they dont bother me too much usually. Is it Avons Skin so soft oil of lotion thats recommended. Not even sure if they are that bad at the mo on Ullswater.


Dec 15, 2005
The forecast looks good Andy, there's a bit of a north easterly developing so you might want to plan your route on that. Should keep the midges off too :)

Have a good un
Dec 18, 2008
Andy, a midge repellant that works for one person will not necessarily work for another.
The Avon stuff that was originally recommended was Skin So Soft 'Woodland Fresh' LOTION.
It has since been rebadged.
If I were you, I'd buy Lesley a headnet to be on the safe side, with maybe a Tilley type hat to keep it off the face.
If you bivi at the spot we were looking at then I would imagine that there'd be enough of a breeze to keep the little blighters away!
Have a good one anyhow (I've just had a midge-free weekend on Holy Island and in the Lakes too, btw).
Be sure to send me some pics :)



Sep 16, 2008
east yorkshire
Canoe camping trip Number 1 over and done with. Swmbo loved it so looks like there are more in the offing . The weather was great bit Windy on Wednesay on the water but nothing the canoe loaded with gear wasnt capapble of handling. Only at one point did I think swmbo was going to have the abb dabs this was as an Ullswater steamer cross out path and gave us a huge wake to get through, felt like Hawaii 50 to to lol.

The little barbeque come firebox I did a review on was put to good use cooking steak and roast potatoes (is it me or do we eat better when Women camp with us!!!) and later had a good old fire in it too.

Had to have a tidy up as the area had been visited by numbskulls leaving tin cans, plastic bottles, 3 disposable barbqs as well as three fire rings left. Anyway enough of my rant.

We had a visit form a national park ranger at about 9:45 pm to ask if we intended to camp, I think the tent gave it away. He was in a national park cruiser boat with search lights etc all very cool. Anyway once he saw our set up and saw that we had infact tidied up the whole beach he bid us a good night but added we should have had the land owners permission. I think had we have been a group of rowdies with beer beer beer and music on he might have forced the issue. As it happens I was really pleased with his response I think he understood out leave only footprints stance.

I have a load of pictures I will add once I get them off the camera.

All in all a great first trip.


Dec 15, 2005
Nice one Andy, glad to hear it went okay.

Look forward to the piccies.

Did you manage to get on Silver Bay then ?


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