Tyresta national park , Sweden


Bushcrafter through and through
Nov 16, 2008
West Midland
Im looking at a lightweight camping trip to Sweden in August , Nowt to heavy duty just bit of walking and hammocking ,
Flying in to Sweden and four or five days wild camping .
Looking at it Tyresta national park seems to fit the bill , Twenty km fron Stockholm makes for an easy trip in .
Anybody been there ?
any other recomendations ?

Mr Adoby

Sep 6, 2008
The woods, Småland, Sweden
I have to admit that I've never been to Tyresta Nationalpark. But you should know that at this type of place you are NOT allowed to wild camp. The human impact is kept at a minimum. You may ONLY camp at prepared sites and may ONLY make fire at prepared places. Hardly wild camping...

Here are the rules.

But you should be able to camp at night at the prepared sites and go exploring in the daytime in the park.

I would expect it to be a little crowded, however...

If you would like to truly wild camp, on your own, then you should go anywhere except to a National park. In Sweden you may wildcamp just about anwhere for a night, as long as you don't in any way disturb or destroy, taking advantage of the right of public access. Places near big cities are probably not the best. Hop on a train or a bus for an hour or two and try to find some isolated spot inland where you can go exploring without meeting anybody at all. That takes care of the "don't disturb" bit...

Or be a little less wild and take advantage of some prepared walking route with shelters, like Sörmlandsleden. Not too far from Stockholm.


Sörmlandsleden partially includes Tyresta Nationalpark. So you could start there and check it out, and walk down the trail and see where you end up... 8)



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Or he could go north a few tens of km and do Upplandsleden. At least the parts of that that I have walked are quite nice. Still not hard to get to.

If you are flying Ruin Air you might also look at Kolmården, since you anyway end up that far south of Stockholm.

And a definite second on the comments of Mr Adoby regarding Tyresta, it is (a) not really a place for wild camping due to NP rules, and (b) quite a "suburban wilderness" (i.e. full of dog-walkers and daytripping people.

One thing: there are lots of ticks in the woods in this region, and if you are unlucky (rather unlucky, but still) both lyme disease and TBE (Tick-Borne Enchephalitis, http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvrd/Spb/mnpages/dispages/TBE.htm ) is a possibility. Daily check for ticks, and a TBE vaccination is a suggestion. Me, I'm so disgusting not even the ticks like me (a total of 8-10 or so, during many years in the woods).


Oct 22, 2008
Sweden, Småland
Don´t let ticks impact your desicion where to go.
1. It´s not a problem.
2. Ticks and disease can occure anywhere so you still need to take the same precausions.

TBE - no point in risking it, just get the shots and be happy.
Lyme - Check for ticks daily. If feeling unwell, check for signs of Lyme and/or get tested.

If you have been in a highrisk area and feel unwell, test for Lyme BEFORE checking other possibilities.

Most likely you will not get it anyway so it is not a problem.
Dont let the ticks win!


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