Just though I would let you chaps and chappesses know that I have just bought a trangia with the gas conversion. Got a peachy little deal. Only paid £58, including the converter and all pots pans etc (it was the 25:2 - large size with kettle and frying pans and pots etc).
Gave it a go with about 1.25 litres of water over the weekend. Did it in just under 4 mins without breaking a sweat and the water was bubbling over the top of the pan!!!
I would not hesitiate it recommending this to someone as an awsome piece of kit and if you did the sensible thing and binned the kettle and used a pot to boil water, you can happily get a pot with meths in and the gas one inside the kit.
I spent ages deliberating what to do stove wise (already have another gas one), but this came up and I went for it.
Let me know if you have any questions about it etc.
Gave it a go with about 1.25 litres of water over the weekend. Did it in just under 4 mins without breaking a sweat and the water was bubbling over the top of the pan!!!

I would not hesitiate it recommending this to someone as an awsome piece of kit and if you did the sensible thing and binned the kettle and used a pot to boil water, you can happily get a pot with meths in and the gas one inside the kit.
I spent ages deliberating what to do stove wise (already have another gas one), but this came up and I went for it.
Let me know if you have any questions about it etc.