Trangia gas conversion - awesome

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Mar 21, 2006
Isle of Wight
Just though I would let you chaps and chappesses know that I have just bought a trangia with the gas conversion. Got a peachy little deal. Only paid £58, including the converter and all pots pans etc (it was the 25:2 - large size with kettle and frying pans and pots etc).
Gave it a go with about 1.25 litres of water over the weekend. Did it in just under 4 mins without breaking a sweat and the water was bubbling over the top of the pan!!! :cool:
I would not hesitiate it recommending this to someone as an awsome piece of kit and if you did the sensible thing and binned the kettle and used a pot to boil water, you can happily get a pot with meths in and the gas one inside the kit.
I spent ages deliberating what to do stove wise (already have another gas one), but this came up and I went for it.
Let me know if you have any questions about it etc.
I saw a gas conversion kit the other day but I have an Optimus Nova + so the missus would detonate if I asked for another stove! :eek: It sounds like it will benefit you a lot in the coming months.

Isn't it strange that now the colder months are coming in we are all starting to talk a lot about stoves now. Just a thought!!
I couldn't agree more !!My Explorer Scouts have been using them for two years and they are truly wonderful bits of kit. :You_Rock_

I had reservations about the weight of the fuel but a 250 cylander is more than enough for weekend and weights the same as meths in a decent bottle, but a 500 cylander does a week and you are really saving some weight because you use so much less fuel (by weight)

I want to try the petrol conversion by SWMBO would tottaly flip out :eek:
spamel said:
I saw a gas conversion kit the other day but I have an Optimus Nova + so the missus would detonate if I asked for another stove! :eek: It sounds like it will benefit you a lot in the coming months.

Isn't it strange that now the colder months are coming in we are all starting to talk a lot about stoves now. Just a thought!!

Get the trangia conversion for your nova for winter or storm cooking, its amazing, works with the Lidl "trangias" too! ;)
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£58 is very cheap, was that new?

I'm not a lover of gas profane stoves, but this setup is very good indeed. My only concern is the performance of liquid gas in cold weather, performance does drop, so, like Mojo, I use the Nova/Trangia setup.

These are a good gas stove and convert easily for the Trangia
It has three heat settings, low, medium and rocket engine :eek:
rik_uk3 said:
These are a good gas stove and convert easily for the Trangia
It has three heat settings, low, medium and rocket engine :eek:
Thats an intresting conversion, have you done it yourself? :You_Rock_

Once fitted can you swap it out in the filed to put the meths or green heat burners back?

The only downside for my pioint of view is that my Explorer Unit has quite a heavy investment in the other (coleman?) type cylanders and it would make sense for me to stick with that, but if I can find a similar stove it may well be worth the conversion. :rolleyes:

It might even be worth buying a Lidl clone just for that job I just need the right moment to talk about it with SWMBO : :buttkick:

(I hadn't forgotten the Primus stoves BTW, I just havn't had a spare weekend since September to get round there and sort them out :()
Is using the regular Trangia meth burner in wintertime really such a bad thing? I think I've probably posted this question here at least five times and I've never really gotten a straight yes or no answer. Or maybe I did and I've forgotten? :dunno:

Anyway, I've used my meth burner in fall, spring, and summer outdoor excursions and it was fine. I'm just too scared to try it in the dead of a Canadian winter where I need to melt snow for drinking water!

The meths burner works fine in winter, but keep the burner full and in your pocket, warm meths gets going quicker

I did a conversion using one of the camping gaz stoves, easy to do and you can use others as well. A mate of mine used an old epigas "spider" stove with great success
Both the Finnish and the Swedish armies use spirit stoves. Out of my memory Sweden and Finnland are no tropical countries.

Since meths. contains about half the BTUs of other fuels one has to really engineer the way to use it.
Heating small amounts of water/food (don´t even think to melt one liter water equivalent of snow) is one suggestion, keeping the burner and fuel at body temperature is a very good idea.
Insulating the complete stove from the ground helps also (a piece of PU insulation mat a little bit bigger than the lower windshild´s outer diameter and maybe a piece of insulation mat. covering the windshild walls to prevent radiation ...).
In really cold climate a tea candle under the burner gets the stove going
On my stove tinkerings I made good experience with preheated cumbustion air.

Gas conversions to trangias have been made for decades, one of the best was the KAP Arctic stove - you´d be very lucky if you find one.
Cyclist, you are right about the KAP stove, I am after one for my collection. One advantage it has over the Nova conversion is sound, the Kap has a silent burner fitted, the Nova is very loud in use
A friend of mine is working on converting a burner from an Optimus 111T and a Trangia

Insulating the Army Trangia's is very important in cold weather, leaving the burner resting on cold ground slows the burner down a lot and wastes a lot of fuel
rik_uk3 said:
£58 is very cheap, was that new?

I'm not a lover of gas profane stoves, but this setup is very good indeed. My only concern is the performance of liquid gas in cold weather, performance does drop, so, like Mojo, I use the Nova/Trangia setup.

These are a good gas stove and convert easily for the Trangia
It has three heat settings, low, medium and rocket engine :eek:

went there and grabbed one, thanks!


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