Training Chopsticks


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
There’s not much “craft” here but its certainly “bush”. Apologies to the craftsmen around here! I try to do everything with just a knife.

If you like using chopsticks while out in the bush but are not that handy with them then you may care to try your hand making these training chopsticks which I made for the kids. Or if you are weary of spoons and not up to doing a kuksa.

The wood here is bamboo but cane or any straight grained wood with a knot or a knob where a branch has come out from would do.

After shaping the wood, split it lengthwise till just before the knot and leave it to dry. You can also insert a small wedge in the split to encourage the two halves to part. Once there is a gap you can widen it by shaving it from the inside and taper the tongs if you wish. A pointy top is useful for spearing bits that slide off the sticks.

The tube is a tinder or dart tube to replace one that I gave away.


John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Vety nice!
I am not the best with the old chopsticks so I may have a go at this...I also like the tube.
How do you get such a smoothe cut across the bamboo with a knife? Blasted stuff always splinters up on me - or is the bamboo cut green?


Jan 19, 2004
These are great BOD
Michael still has the pair you gave us

I tried making a pair but didn't include the knot section so it just split:(

I'll try again some time


mr dazzler

Aug 28, 2004
What is it you want to train them to do swimming, dancing, playing drums? Sorry couldnt resist when I saw the title of the thread :lmao: :D

Your sticks remind me of the twig clothes peg's except you used a natural knot to stop them parting instead of a strip of tin


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Mr. dazzler,

That is the problem faced by the Chinese for 4,000 years – how to train chopsticks properly. Very recalcitrant things.

Jon R

Glad you like the tube. Here is one from Sarawak more suited to your skills than mine. Smooth ends. Note the thumb notch in the cover for the hunter to quietly open the tube with one hand to get the dart out and load his blow pipe.



Keep at it!

I’m still trying to make the fan palm bush bowl that Lorraine made. I’m making some mistake where the fronds come back at the rim and get re-woven through the pattern. Ask her to do a tutorial!!


Yes it is best to start with the bamboo green but it still splits even then.

If you try and cut through with a saw such as the Leatherman’s it will fuzz up even while green. A sharp bow saw has a better chance of minimizing splits. You could also cut / scrape away a ring of the exterior layer with a knife and then saw your way through.

Alternatively you could simply cut through the bamboo section with an oblique stroke from a sharp parang. To ‘square it’ off you can scrape away the ‘green’ layer with a knife and then with many slicing cuts remove the excess bamboo till it is the same as the other side.

To finish off bevel the outer layer as you might a tent peg exposing the inner layers which you can slice away with a sharp knife giving you a smooth end.

Re-reading this its sounds confusing to me! I’ll have stab at doing a mini-tutorial and take some photos.


Jan 19, 2004

Keep at it!

I’m still trying to make the fan palm bush bowl that Lorraine made. I’m making some mistake where the fronds come back at the rim and get re-woven through the pattern. Ask her to do a tutorial!!

:lmao: Lorraine says Hi, she misses you and the jungle!
I'll ask about a tutorial but I've also asked for one on the Shewee but that's not happening atm!!!

Take care



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