Tims little trip away


Dec 3, 2007
having been cooped up in dublin since september, i decided to do a bit of wombling about for the xmas holidays, as payment for surviving the "big city" :)
i thought, if its ok with you guys, i would make a little thread about it here.

recently, i was rewarded for various mess-ups by the grant people. i was refused a grant last year on a mistaken technicality. i cleared up their mistake during the summer, so they resubmitted my application. i got my grant, and also full back pay for last year too! yippy!!
so i now have enough money to get all the fun kit to supply my trips i could want!! i dont want to go abroad, as i want to have a reasonably hassle-free time of it. so i decided that my womble whould be just up and around my local mountain, ben bulben.
here it is in summer.

its not too tough. a lot of cliffs, but not too boggy on the top. the only problem i could have is with water. there is not a lot of good streams up there, and so far, its been a surprisingly dry winter in the northwest of ireland. so far. the temperature will of course be low, above zero would be balmy.

anyway, i had decided on a rough plan. go bum around a mountain. i then went and spent a lot of money on shiny new things. marmot sleeping bag, two sets of HH thermals, a thermarest, new gaiters. a new compass and head torch. new, nicely laminated maps.

here is most of my kit. i was seeing how well my new toys pack up.


the thermarest is HEAVY, but sooo cosy. i am keeping my old foam mat to stop my bivy bag getting punctured though. (any ideas of a good, lightweight alternitive for this is welcome)

so, i had my new shiny kit. i was telling a friend of mine, Seosamh, about it, and he was all, "what you getting tooled up for"? so i told him i was going wombles. he thought it was a great idea, and invited himself along, not having a clue what he was getting himself in for. lol. he is a way good friend of mine, and far too nice a guy for me to refuse, so I just accepted that i am going to have to keep things nice and safe for him. no problem. means i will be buying him a new sleeping bag for xmas though, as i dont want him freezing to death.
next thing Seosamh says is, "will we bring Nathan along"? nathan is my younger brother. he is 20, and a bit of a weapons freak. i say, "ok, as long as he leaves all weapons behind. that includes the compound bow, and the machete." this is ireland after all. the only thing there is to hunt up our mountains are the sheep. and they are so stupid you could just walk up to them and pick them up.
Seosamh talks to him (i dont really talk to my brother much. we rub each other up the wrong way. we are fine so long as we are not alone together. when we are, the tempers flare. not a good thing, as neither of us is small. yes, pity my poor long-suffering mother. :) )

so thats where we are at now. i am having to think for three, and am writing up a kit list of stuff for them to bring. it will be a bivy only affair, which will be novel, as i am the only experienced bivyer. do you remember your first experiences of a bivy bag? sleeping so exposed in the winter? it will be.... an adventure for them, thats for sure!! i am also the only one who can navigate, so i will probably give them a crash course on navigation on the trip. a great skill to have. the route i have chosen is an easy enough one, that allows us to go real slow. it could all be done at a forced march in one day, but i am giving us two days, with a clear option of a second night out, descending on the third morning, if the lads want. the route ensures reasonable shelter (location considered) for our camps, and best odds at having water local to our camps. i also have allowed for escape routes.

so thats where i am at with our little trip. i will update the thread with news, and a load of pics from the trip.

all feedback welcome. any ideas on kit is also very welcome.



Dec 15, 2005
the thermarest is HEAVY, but sooo cosy. i am keeping my old foam mat to stop my bivy bag getting punctured though. (any ideas of a good, lightweight alternitive for this is welcome)


I wouldn`t bother with the foam mat, just take the thermarest by itself. I `ve had the same one for the last 9 years and it`s never let me down yet (touches nearest wood). As long as you`re careful and make sure there are no sharp objects where you`re going to doss down then it will be fine.

As for your little bro, not sure it`s a good idea being away with somebody for so long who you constantly fall out with. What`s the point of that ?? Especially if you`re up a mountain, where can you go for some time out ??



Dec 3, 2007
hey, thanks shewie for the advice on the foam mat. i will probably take your advice. my thermarest is all bright orange though, so i was thinking of shoving it inside my bivy. will do some trials when i get home.


Dec 15, 2005
To quote the man himself, you want your mat in the bivvy bag anyway to "stop you rolling off it in the middle of the night and waking up with a cold back."



Dec 3, 2007
cool, so is puncturing the bivy itself not something to worry about then? ideally i could clear the ground i would be sleeping on and add some vegetation as a bit of safety padding. not always possible of course. still the simpatex material is pretty tough.... i think i will give it a go.

oh, and the reason i am bringing my bro along, is usually we are ok when there is a third party around, and he is also a good friend of Seosamh. as we haven't spent any significant time together since he was 18, i am sure the last two years away have mellowed his love for mindless violence somewhat


Oct 1, 2007
ribble valley
SNAP my brother is also a knob!!! i dont tell him what to pack as its really funny watching him struggle carrying his heavy bag with all his clutter hanging off his rucksack.And hilariuos when people say stuff like :movin house; to him if he bugs you too much u can always leave him .


Dec 3, 2007
hey h2o, lets join up and start the brother bashing club. lol. not that they need our help. :)
admittedly it is tough on them, having such perfect siblings cant be good on the self esteem. :)


Oct 1, 2007
ribble valley
my brother seems to be jealous that not only did i get the brains and sporting ability,but i was also the one blessed with dashing good looks!!!


Oct 1, 2007
ribble valley
its no wonder our brothers suffer from these self esteem issues,having had to live their lives in our shadows cant have been an easy ride,next time i take my bro to the woods ill let him light the fire.oh no i forgot my 11 yr old son got it going before him last time we went lol.


Sep 12, 2006

althought is it barely a mountain at just over 500 metres I'd stay off if vis is low, esp if two cant nav, and your fighting with your Brother - its a mountain rescue call out waiting to initiate.

And i would expect low vis, december, and so close to the coast.


Why not skip the mountain - and walk over ( at low tide ) to Coney and stay there ?????


Dec 3, 2007
dont worry. i have my mountain leaders and ten years (off and on) experience. the route finding is simple simon stuff too. so long as nothing happens to me, the other two will be grand. of course if something DOES happen to me...they are screwed. lol.
we had an accident on it around nine or ten years ago. we had a course from dublin down, (colaiste dhulaigh outdoor pursuits course) one fella took a bad line and went down fourty feet into a gully. he stopped just above a hundred foot drop down a dry waterfall. there was an awful lot of blood from his head and face, but he wasn't too badly done up, considering. still had to get an air rescue for him though. even though the rescue copter was training over strand hill, it still took ages getting him off.

much thanks for the concern though. nice to see people looking out for each other.


Sep 12, 2006
Ah - even so i would take additional shelter - small tent etc for them just in case moments, and maybe ( even though you are out for a few nights ) leave a route card and grids of where you will be - and stick to it.

suck eggs stuff i kow probably - appologies.

PS - if you are ever down in dublin again - and fancy a bimble - i spend most of my free time ( little i have ) in wicklow area - i'd love some company doing lug. - buit nervous about doing it on my own.


Dec 3, 2007
suck eggs stuff i kow probably - appologies.

lol no apologies needed. i will be leaving a route card with my GF, and we are ok for extra shelter. although i wont bring a tent (seating a tent in the hills is just too annoying) i will have walk-out routes easily accessible from the camp sites.

ya, i am in dublin most the time :( so we should meet up and go for a strole in January sometime. you can show me around wicklow. i did some stuff in wicklow many years ago. worked briefly in a center there. i would say lets go out sooner, but college has me enslaved until the sixteenth, then i will head home.
Dec 3, 2007
Sounds like a good adventure you'll have there. Hope you have a good time with it all. And its so hard not to meet people who know of the "Shackleton" Course. :D



Dec 3, 2007
are they still running the Shackleton course? back then it was run by a fella called paddy leddy. (not the young paddy leddy who works for the ICU) he was a good instructor, and a surprisingly good guitarist and singer!
the Shackleton course was very good.
Dec 3, 2007
Yeah, its still running and stronger than ever, this year the first years have been to Bellmullet for a week of kayaking, Sailing and windsurfing and are heading to Corsica for 2 weeks, The 2nd years have had a week instructing in Bellmullet in the disciplines and are off to Slovenia for 11 days, Hiking and Kayaking and the 3rd years were SI's for the week in Bellmullet and a currently in Wales kayaking for a week then off to Nepal for 2 weeks of Kayaking, forgot to mention that the 2nd and 3rd years spent a week in Balitmore sailing too. All of this is on top of the usually Busy schedule. I never knew of paddy though.


Dec 3, 2007
wow!! sounds great!makes me wish i was there :( glad to hear its still going strong. courses like these can make a huge difference to peoples lives. i started out on a similar course in lietrim when i was 16. it revolutionized my life. previously to that i was a typical early school drop-out (14) who had been working on the sites. i got hooked on whitewater kayaking quickly, and became obsessed. still am, although i haven't done the crazy stuff in years.
Dec 3, 2007
Yeah its amazing the people we have through out our 60 people course ( thats incl the three years) we have people from 18years all the way up to 35years doing the course and previously we had a 70 year old complete it as well as people from all over the Dublin area we also have people from all over the country, tis a bit mad.

Man you should get back into the kayaking, Join a club and go for it.



Dec 3, 2007
oh i still paddle. i was paddling with ucd club up until recently. but they just drove me too far round the bend. i dont own a car, so i always end up relying on other folk for wheels, which is tough in dublin. all i have paddled this year is the liffy and the annamoe. *snore* . but it will definately be high on my priority list for when i finish college, is to relocate to a good place for boating.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.