I spent half term (end of May) camping near Bath and when we returned home to the Isle of Wight, I discovered a tiny tick behind my daughter's ear. She'd been complaining of pain inside her ear and I saw what I initially thought was a piece of fluff behind it. Closer inspection and it proved to be a tick. I did manage to remove it and I'm assuming she picked it up when rolling down a grass bank with her friend in the park below Royal Crescent in Bath. So even Royal Crescent isn't too posh to have ticks!
Tick Watch are asking people to take part in the first ever public survey to monitor the spread if these beasties.
If you have anything to report, please go to this website
Tick Watch
Tick Watch are asking people to take part in the first ever public survey to monitor the spread if these beasties.
If you have anything to report, please go to this website
Tick Watch