The Canadian Arctic


Full Member
Nov 17, 2003
Michigan, USA
Tundra- by Farley Mowat.
This book I read many years ago but don't remember much so I'm reading it again. An excellent collection of non fiction stories from the 18th to the early 20th century.
Samuel Hearne, Alexander Mackenzie, John Franklin and more.
Explorers, the fur trade, HBC etc in Canada's north.

Sounds interesting. I'm a Farley Mowat fan. His book The People of the Deer is a great classic and I think anyone who is interested in bushcraft would appreciate it. He chronicles the life of the Ihalmiut or Barren Ground Inuit, an amazing story of survival and tragedy. He revisited them in The Desperate People and then 40 years later again in Walking on the Land. All good reads, not only from the standpoint that Mowat is a great writer and storyteller, but also because there is a history there of native peoples that has long been ignored and underappreciated, even by academics. The book 1491 by Charles Mann sheds a similar light on the massive population declines in native American populations.


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