teaching and group leader qualifications


Nov 27, 2004
Hull, East Yorkshire, UK.
I'm planning on being a teacher, and I want to be able to offer a bit more than just the stuff in the classroom. Could anyone suggest good courses that I could do in teaching bushcraft to youngsters, or a sort of group leader certificate for taking kids hiking and camping?

I've checked local colleges and found little. I'll probably check with the local scouts next, but any tips would be welcome. I know there are loads of scout leader on here.


May 16, 2005
North Devon coast
I would suggest the MLTA (Mountain Leader Training Association) woggle(Walking Group Leader Award) course. plenty of info on that here: CLICK

Though to my knowledge it doesnt cover camping, wheras the Mountain Leader syllabus does touch on wild camping.


Hello there,

I am a Detachment Commander and instructor in the Army Cadet Force working with Kids from 12 to 18 years old.

I don't know about the Bushcraft side as I am not aware of any formal qualifications in Bushcraft. If there are I too would be interested, however, from the working with Children aspect:

When Kids are involved it can get complicated... so be careful!!

One thing you will need to work with young people will be a Criminal Records Bureau Check (CRB). And this usually needs to be done through an organisation of some kind.

There will also be all sorts of liability insurances, parental consent and risk assessments involved too. Not to mention dealing with and ensuring that you work within the legeslation of the Childrens Act.

If you are going through a Youth Organisation, or educational authority, you will no doubt have all the legalities and formal training on these matters in place.

There are some formal qualifications for Hiking/Walking that you need to be able to take kids walking on the hills. The best place for this information is on the British Mountaineering Council's website:


Off the top of my head, for UK, you are looking at either:

Walking Group Leader (WGL) - allows you to take groups in lowland areas/moorland where there are no steep gradients, below the snowline (600m) and where no ropework would be required.

SML - Summer Mountain Leader:- upland/moutnainous areas and scrambles ..

Check out the website for the full legalities and stuff..

None of them are quick to achieve.. you have to have some basic experience to start, then attend a training course and get your training certification, then do a consolidation period of certain number of "Quality Walking/Mountain" days, then do a weeks assesment course.

If your going the Civi route (bare with me as I'm doing it through the military at the moment), it can be quite a pricey affair.

Plas Y Brenin in North Wales offer courses and could give you an idea of prices etc.

Hope this Helps... if I can help any further, give me a ring. I will also check back on this as I would be really interested to find out the views on other youth organisations (scouts etc.)




Oct 7, 2004
Northwich, Cheshire

One for the pot.

I work with the Seacadets and hold the Summer ML. I got assessed at Plas Y Brenin in North Wales. I know the cost of the training courses and the assessment are usually around £400 each so can be off putting. Plas Y run a discounted course for anyone linked to the Duke of Edinburgh Award (DOE) scheme. My assessment cost me (with insurance) £290. Not a bad discount.

So if you are looking to teach and also possibly teach in the outdoors my advice is to get involved in one of the local council DOE groups in order to get the discount. The discount is offered on many qualifications (ML, SPA, WGL etc). Each council should have a DOE officer who could point you in the right direction.

Try this web address for more info http://www.pyb.co.uk/information/dofe/subsidised.php


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