
Yorkshire Boy

Jan 30, 2007
I'm living in Japan.
Not far from Tokyo, in a place called Shiki.
I can see Mt Fuji from work, so I'm not too far from the mountains.

This Wednesday I was walking home after work. It was about 11pm.
I was about half way home and there was nobody around.
About 12 metres ahead of me an animal jumped
over a wall and on to the pavement, it ran over the road and was gone.

I saw it and said out loud "what the f*** is that"?

Now I knew it wasn't a cat or a dog, although it was about that size.
It had a big thick bushy tail, shortish legs with big paws,
pointy ears and a dog like muzzle.

I raced home and checked the internet.
I typed "mammals of Japan" and found something on Wiki.
I looked through and found this animal called a "Tanuki".

It's a raccoon dog. A cute lovely looking creature.
When I saw the picture I knew it was what I had seen.

I emailed my lass and told her about it.
She's only ever seen them in the zoo.
She does live in a more built up area of Tokyo than me though.
Everyone who I've spoken to says I'm fortunate to have seen one.

I think most Japanese people are too tired from work and not observant
enough to look around. They just have their head down and want to get home.
Which I can well understand having observed their working style.

Anyway, I'm well chuffed to have spotted a new animal (well for me).
That kind of thing makes you feel like a kid again.

Well all the best everyone, I'll let you know if I see anything else.
Best regards, Yorkshire Boy.

Yorkshire Boy

Jan 30, 2007

Well done, I don't know much more than that
and I've been here for 3 months!

Talk about the bumbling Brit abroad!
If it wasn't for my lass I don't know what I'd do.

I can't wait to catch seabass "suzuki" and native trout "yamame".

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
My spelling may not be up to much (learned phonetically) but - Itchy ban! or is that Anna Ta Bakka?
New beasts are always fun on their first sighting especially if they are totally unknown to you! I recall my first Pine Marten , a creature I had never heard of until I saw it. Even animals you know of are exciting - wait until you see your first Leopard in the wild!


Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
Tanuki...not many of them around here.

But they `have` spread west as far as Germany.

I know a guy in Japan whos doing a special study on them; even though they are a well known, wide spread animal, very few studies have been done.

They are the only canine who hibernates, did you know that?


Aug 28, 2005
I used to live in Shiki.I lived in Japan for about 5 years and was well aquainted with all the decent places to head in the truly wonderful mountains there.I was going to write an English language guide to the Okutama mountains but thought there wouldn't be enough of a readership. I left because my girlfriend had basically had enough of the place but I could have stayed there my whole life. Rarely a does a day go by when I don't miss the mountains.
I saw some Tanuki when Iived there. There are a family of Tanuki living in raleigh(?) airbase (disused) in Asaka there is another family living on the campus of the university near daiei.
Let me know if you want some advice on where to go. I wouldn't make any plans to go anywhere until after rainy season has finished (something I don't miss!)


Aug 28, 2005
Decided to torture myself and go through some of the photos I have on the computer.
Mount Fuji from nanatsuishi yama I think Japanese Autumns are just amazing! This Image was taken by my girlfriends camera phone!
Japan has fantastic biodiversity Takao san (a small mountain near Tokyo) has more species on it than are present in the whole of the British Isles. Here a bear has used a tree as a scratching post.
I think 85 percent of Japan is uninhabitable so there are large wilderness areas. This came as a suprise to me but it really is possible if you choose your mountians and your seasons to actually be completely alone for considerable periods of time
these look a bit like the Tanzawa mountains (great for deer watching)
february in okutama
you never get used to mount Fuji. It's HUGE far bigger than can be shown in any photo. The queen of mountains The first time you see it is truly indescribable.

These photos are just the tip of the iceberg get out there mate!


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