Day Out Surprise find.


Sep 29, 2018
SW Wales
`The faintest sign of frost this morning soon gave way to a sunny dry day, so I left home for the woods about 10.30. I am fortunate that I live where locking house doors is not necessary, although I do have a private security patrol who frequents my back garden. When I asked him what sort of wage he expected for keeping an eye on the cottage he replied, " Cheep for crummy wages"

So, with today's wages handed out, it was off to the woods...
Quite warm and sunny, a small breeze from the South West and the sunlight sparkles off the lake through the trees.

When I camped in the wood overnight at New Year I spotted some King Alfred's Cakes on a fallen dying Ash, so today's mission was to collect some for drying and adding to my Tinder collection. There is also a quite dense area of wood nearby that I wanted to investigate properly.

Nearby is what must surely be the Mac D's or Kentucky Fried for the local Wood Peckers.

How quickly Nature re asserts Herself. Just 5 nights ago my Bivvy Bag was covering this spot..

The wood here is quite open in Winter, so the sunlight reaches into the depths, in Summer when the trees are in full leaf this area can be quite dark.

Brew time and I have Lords and Ladies ( wild Arum), Scarlet Elf Cups and one of Mother Nature's lovely living ropes for company.

Steam up..

And then off to a small clear area that I wanted to investigate...Do you see what I see?.........

8 out of 10 for effort, but you can't fool me in the woods.. :laugh:

A Trail Camera secured with heavy duty Bicycle type locking cable. Of course I left it undisturbed, I know little about such Cameras but I felt it had been there some time. Cobweb and leaf litter on the artificial Camo on the Camera, perhaps it is fitted with very long lasting batteries? I will return in a week or so just to satisfy my curiosity.
Home by 4.30pm, the lake looking like a mirror and the late sun lighting up the tree lined far bank as I neared home.

Best to get home before dusk as I will probably be expected to pay more crummy wages...:laugh:

Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
Thanks for being my legs to show me what you see.
Everything is so GREEN!!!. And WARM!!!! I'm stuck in a black-and-white -25C world for at least another couple of months.
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Full Member
Nov 20, 2021
Cheers Saxonaxe. I appreciate the write-up and photos. Lovely to see what others are up to and spotting. I never get bored of the cheeky and brave Robin!
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Full Member
Dec 2, 2011
South East Kent.
Another great write up, I always carry a small pot of mixed bird feed with me, my way of thanking nature for the lovely sounds on my wlaks can i ask what kit bag you have please, i'd like to get one the same or very similar.


Sep 29, 2018
SW Wales
can i ask what kit bag you have please, i'd like to get one the same or very similar.

Yes Dave, it's from a company in Manchester called Nicks-Kit. It's a Berghaus Centerio 45.
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Jan 5, 2010
Did you not think the trail camera was there to catch you? I am sure you have permission to be there but there are so many people now who think there is a right to roam anywhere they fancy!


Sep 29, 2018
SW Wales
Did you not think the trail camera was there to catch you? I am sure you have permission to be there but there are so many people now who think there is a right to roam anywhere they fancy!
Did you not think the trail camera was there to catch you?

No. I live here, and as a Tenant of the Land Owner, I have the right to be in that wood. Ironically, the person who set the Trail Camera was probably a Trespasser..


Bushcrafter through and through
Jul 14, 2008
Special little birds. Before us they followed wild boar picking up bugs they grub up. However we come along and they just see a big animal that might disturb some food for them.

A walk in a very quiet part of Grizedale midwinter just before Xmas I was late out where I didn't know that well. Forestry activity had closed the route but the diversion was not well signposted so I was struggling in the dusk to keep on track. Every time I thought I was lost a chirp led me to see a Robin on a hidden diversion sign. Even though it was getting really quite dark they stayed out guiding me back.

Was it just one bird or many guarding their territories from their handy perches? I will never know, but having done a quick march over a longer route than planned and not thinking straight due to cold, tiredness, etc. Well they were welcome intrusions into the silence of a winter's walk.
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