Snowed in


Mar 16, 2006
Yorkshire England
Just by chance on Thursday 17th. we went to Settle and with the winter fuel allowance bought in double our usual smokeless fuel quantity.
Which with tamping down gave us a full fuel bunker and x2 buckets by the stove (room fire,hot water,and central heating). That night it snowed, and several times during the next week. With living on a hill, and not being on the salt/gritter route the van didn't move until Monday 28th.

With us being of a "store cupboard" mentality i.e. if we use something regularly we buy in bulk and keep a stock in :- propane,paraffin,candles,soap,toothpaste,flour,butter,cheese,tinned stuff,honey,sugar,salt,bog roll,wine,beer,etc.When we see any offers buy one get one free we stock up and this paid dividends with being snowed in, not only was the local bus off but with the pavements not cleared it was hard work down to our village but scenic across the fields to the next.

I'd bought the folding golf trolley in a charity shop months ago with the idea of converting it to take a kit bag for green lane expeditions so with a quick bit of shed bodging I set off with a brew kit and a small folding camp chair as the support frame for the haversack to get some fresh vegetables

The trolley works a treat and will certainly get used as a gear haul on some overnight expeditions

We've managed to get out the last couple of days but with more bad weather forecast the store cupboard looks as though it may come in again, sit by the fire candles lit cork pulled !
cheers all Danny


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 12, 2005
South Marches
Careful Danny you will be showing us your "Guns and Bunker" next :lmao:

Having that insurance in place puts you ahead of the crowd, do any of the neighbours ask for a cup of sugar?



Full Member
Mar 31, 2004
Norfolk U.K.
Do you think that the golf thingy would be any good for carrying logs?

I've been looking round for one of those All Terrain push chairs but yours looks better.:)


Mar 16, 2006
Yorkshire England
Do you think that the golf thingy would be any good for carrying logs?

I've been looking round for one of those All Terrain push chairs but yours looks better.:)

Not sure I'd say 25Kgs would be near it's limit, though at £4 for this one and I've seen them at £2-50, the wheels should be good in soft ground
cheers Danny


Mar 16, 2006
Yorkshire England
Careful Danny you will be showing us your "Guns and Bunker" next :lmao:

Having that insurance in place puts you ahead of the crowd, do any of the neighbours ask for a cup of sugar?


over 25 years ago when we first moved in we didn't have the electric turned on for the first 6 years and I plumbed the house with propane and had gas mantle lights and cooker(still do) and we used paraffin mantle and wick lights so if we were off down the allotment, we'd walk out of the house with a lit lantern which saw the neighbors curtain twitch and when they began to call us the "cult" house I painted a sheeps skull silver with x2 red ping pong balls for eyes lit up with 12 volt bulbs via a car battery and fixed it above the front door (it's still there but no longer lit up as it's now hidden by 20ft Bamboo) to give them something to talk about.So to answer your question NO! they probably think if they did I'd boil their children up for "flying ointment" :D
a look round the kitchen bunker

cheers Danny


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.