Sloe Gin and Blackberry Gin questions


Jan 3, 2009
isle of wight
Having made a Sloe Gin and a Blackberry Gin, although I've used Vodka, I'd like to ask a couple of simple questions..
A. do you need to "bruise" or split open the Sloe fruits or just jar them whole?
B.With the Blackberry concoction, I would guess that at some late stage (maybe just before it is consumed?) it would need straining?

Any other tips or quirks any of you more experienced brewers would care to mention would be appreciated. Any other ingredients to add a more interesting result; I had thought of adding some Vanilla as I sometimes do to my Blackberry Cordial, which is one of my favourites at this time of year.


Full Member
May 31, 2005
West Devon, Edge of Dartymoor!
You need to bruise / ***** the skin on the sloes to get the best of the flavour.. or what I did was to bung them in the freezer overnight as it breaks down the cell walls in the same way as "waiting for the first frost" would... but round here the first frost may not be until March :eek:

for Blackberry brandy, try British Reds tutorial here from post 8 onwards..
I tried it last year and had a lot of trouble with it going cloudy after the enzyme was added.. The brewshop I got the pectic enzyme from suggested it was because the alcohol was killing off the enzyme before it could do it's work. They recommended using the enzyme on the 'jam' mix before adding the alcohol...

I have heard of adding vanilla essence to sloe gin, but not tried it myself yet... maybe this year ;)

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
I always split the sloes - mind you I freeze them after collecting them and as they melt a simple squeeze splits em!
I do my blackberry vodka the same way as I do my sloe gin...3 months of patience!
I strain my blackberry Vodka - first through a jelly bag (save the fruit and have it over vanilla ice-creme or in puddins pies and crumbles!) then through parachute silk... do not use coffee filters as they clog too easily!
Parachute silk can be rinsed and re-used!
I used off cuts from turning chutes into canoe sails.....


Jan 3, 2009
isle of wight
Thanks guys.
Vanilla essence it is!.
I have made plenty of wine over the years but never messed with spirits and thought I would give it a go.

There was a concoction mentioned somewhere ( maybe on this site, But I can't be sure ) that involved adding 7 or possibly many more ingredients over a long period of time, to a brandy or similar. The proccess goes on for several years if I remember correctly.
Ring any bells?


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
I add a tablespoonful of the ginger flavoured syrup from the jar of stem ginger to my sloe gin and whisky. Kind of mellow :D
I do pierce the fruits with a fork (one of those wee sharp pickle forks) though.
Brambles I just use as they come, and strain them thoroughly like John Fenna does.

Why not use a tiny bit of vanilla pod instead of essence ? Or even the sugar that's been sitting flavouring in a jar with the vanilla pod ?



Mar 9, 2007
Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs
A tip I was told for pricking the skins is to lay the fruit out on a tray and gently pat them with a new wire brush, it's a lot quicker than using a fork for small fruit like sloes.


Full Member
May 31, 2005
West Devon, Edge of Dartymoor!
...There was a concoction mentioned somewhere ( maybe on this site, But I can't be sure ) that involved adding 7 or possibly many more ingredients over a long period of time, to a brandy or similar. The proccess goes on for several years if I remember correctly.
Ring any bells?
sounds like a Rum-topf :

The Germans have something they call RUMTOPF - basically RUM POT.

It needs a ceramic pot about a gallon or so, a supply of rum and some sugar.

You pick fruit as it comes into season and place a layer into the pot*, sprinkle on some sugar and then pour in rum until it covers the layer. If you like a particular fruit you natch put a bit more of it in.

Around xmas time the rumtopf is nice and ready to have either on its own or with ice cream or something else.

NOTES: * Not chunky layers, that is not whole apples or pears, large fruits can be sliced and placed in.

A rumtopf becomes a prized posession after a couple of years as it gradually becomes infused with the flavour and aroma.

taken from this thread


Mar 9, 2007
Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs
I have a recipe for Rum Topf somewhere I'll look it out and post it ; it came with the Rum Topf pot I was bought for Fathers Day some years ago.
The problem was most of the recipe's were in German !
Still the one I did came out great.

Brace yourselves !!!

Take your pot and using fine granulated sugar and light amber rum, on each pound of fruit sprinkle 1/2 lb of sugar and leave to infuse for a couple of hours before placing in your rumpot.

Cover each fruit by 1" of rum with every new fruit you add.

1st fruit : Strawberrys remove stalks and halve
2nd fruit : raspberries / blackberries sort and clean but dont wash
3rd fruit : appricotts / peaches , scald for a couple of minutes, peel off skin, cut into quarters and add to pot
4th fruit : plums,wash and halve
5th fruit :grapes wash and halve
6th fruit cherries , halve
7th fruit : red currents' ***** with fork
8th fruit : melon peel,remove seeds, cube
9th fruit : pears, peel cube
last fuit : pineapple ,This should be the final fruit , peel core and cube

Add fruits a week at a time covering with rum as you go and after the final addition leave ( if you can ) for 3 months , strain and DRINK
Any fruit you wash be sure to dry thouroughly as any water will make the final brew watery, and thats the last thing you want !
I didn't add all these fruits it's a pick and mix job.

Hope this helps folks.


Jan 3, 2009
isle of wight
Thanks for all your replys.
I have started a Rum Topf in a nice old ceramic pot. A couple of layers of fruit,added some sugar and I am using spiced rum.
So along with my Elder flower wine ( 6 gallons of it!) Blackberry wine, marrow rum,blackberry rum and sloe rum, this will be an interesting addition. Enough booze to have one hell of a party!... or maybe I'll just drink it my self.

Look forward to any more recipes you guys have...... HIC


Jul 29, 2009
you can try warming the gin slightly then adding the frozen sloes. worked a treat for a friend last year. hoping to try it myself soon. good luck.


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