Putting bale handle on hobo billy


Hi all,

I made myself a hobo stove sometime ago using a cutlery drainer and a SS tea caddy. After much cussing and two broken drills I managed to fit a handle to the billy lid. What I now need to do is to fit a bale handle to it. I thought about drilling another couple of holes to take the handle, but its so :censored: tough I'm not sure I can afford enough drills :( Also, I'm concerned about the cleanability of it with holes in.

ISTR seeing one on here where a couple of picture wire hoops had been soldered on (although I can't find it now), so this morning I had a go. I know I was getting the billy hot enough, as I was using a flame torch, and the solder was melting even when the torch was removed. However the solder was just balling and then running off. I've done a lot of electronics soldering in the past, so know about flux, tinning, cleaning with wet&dry, etc. Nothing seemed to work, so I've given up again. The loops I'm intending using are brass (or at least brass-looking).

Anyone got any ideas? :dunno:



Nov 29, 2007
Try removing the smoothness, make a few bumps and such for the solder to grip on to. Maybe make some dents with a nail and hammer.


Full Member
Nov 12, 2005
Hi all,

I made myself a hobo stove sometime ago using a cutlery drainer and a SS tea caddy. After much cussing and two broken drills I managed to fit a handle to the billy lid. What I now need to do is to fit a bale handle to it. I thought about drilling another couple of holes to take the handle, but its so :censored: tough I'm not sure I can afford enough drills :( Also, I'm concerned about the cleanability of it with holes in.

ISTR seeing one on here where a couple of picture wire hoops had been soldered on (although I can't find it now), so this morning I had a go. I know I was getting the billy hot enough, as I was using a flame torch, and the solder was melting even when the torch was removed. However the solder was just balling and then running off. I've done a lot of electronics soldering in the past, so know about flux, tinning, cleaning with wet&dry, etc. Nothing seemed to work, so I've given up again. The loops I'm intending using are brass (or at least brass-looking).

Anyone got any ideas? :dunno:

buy a flux designed for use with stainless steel. and try silver soldering it, instead of normal tin solder


Full Member
Nov 12, 2005
Hmm, OK. Looks like it'll have to wait until I can get to a suitable shop. Where would I find such things? I don't have any model/craft shops around here, so is a builder's merchants likely to sell them, or would it make more sense to buy online?

you can get a 'kit' off of sellers on ebay, a jar of flux and a length of silver solder for under £10 posted.


Apr 14, 2008
Hi all,

I made myself a hobo stove sometime ago using a cutlery drainer and a SS tea caddy. After much cussing and two broken drills I managed to fit a handle to the billy lid. What I now need to do is to fit a bale handle to it. I thought about drilling another couple of holes to take the handle, but its so :censored: tough I'm not sure I can afford enough drills :( Also, I'm concerned about the cleanability of it with holes in.

ISTR seeing one on here where a couple of picture wire hoops had been soldered on (although I can't find it now), so this morning I had a go. I know I was getting the billy hot enough, as I was using a flame torch, and the solder was melting even when the torch was removed. However the solder was just balling and then running off. I've done a lot of electronics soldering in the past, so know about flux, tinning, cleaning with wet&dry, etc. Nothing seemed to work, so I've given up again. The loops I'm intending using are brass (or at least brass-looking).

Anyone got any ideas? :dunno:


Any chance of a photo and some instructions of where you are up to so far??


Any chance of a photo and some instructions of where you are up to so far??

Here's a few photos:


Everything packed away in a John Fenna 'Dragonskin' pouch.


Billy inside stove.


Stove, billy, and skewers


The billy contains another pouch.


Contents of pouch (l to r): various flavour sachets and tea bags, two individual portions of rice in ziplock bags, instant coffee in another ziplock.


Closeup of attempt so far


1) Obtain a stainless steel (SS) cutlery drainer and caddy that fits inside the drainer.

2) Use cutting disk in Dremel-a-like to make a large slot. This improves airflow, and allows more wood to be added during the burn.

3) Drill one or more steam holes in the billy lid.

4) Add a handle of your choice/design to the lid.

5) Add bale handle to billy

6) Make a brew, sit, and enjoy :D

All the above is inspired by/adapted from Wayland's post of many moons ago.



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