Practicing skills up the woods - pics


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
The teo boys and i went to one of our old haunts today, not been up here for a little while, so we decided it was about we rectified that, it's a wonderful bit of ancient woodland, that unfortunatley, like many other woods has seen it's fair share of abuse by hooligans, but hey, lets not dwell on the negatives, instead the positives of the day and there were many.

Firstly the woods



This is our little area we use here, we dont camp here, just use it for day trips, the log is our seat and the hazel over head forms a sort of canopy over the top, making it feel very welcoming


When we went out we didnt know what we were going to do, other than enjoy being out in the woods, but once we got to our spot the day kind of sorted itself out, the boys spent some time with their ferro rods, just practising



Youngest wanted to take it one stage further and he set about, off his own back, investigating the flamability of various natural materials he found about the place, from moss and leaves to plant and tree barks, he then decided he wanted to give it a proper go, only to start a fire, not to sustain it, so we did.

He built himself a platform on the damp ground to protect his tinder


then collected and shredded a load of Clematis bark


his tinder bundle and fire lighting set


I should point out the bark was slightly damp, but it didnt deter him in the slightest


Did pretty well i thought?.

While youngest was practicing his skill set, eldest was practicing his, he took a piece of Hazel and battoned a piece off and carved a rudementary spoon, no pics im afraid and while youngest was about looking for tinder materials, i made about 5ft of nettle cordage for an upcoming project im planning.


Time was getting on and we still wanted to collect some Hazel nuts, Cherry Plums and some Cramp balls, the cramp balls being used for fire lighting demo's at two forthcoming events im attending, got a good haul of Cramp balls in next to no time


including this beastie, pretty big for this part of the woods


at this point the batteries in my camera ran out, but we took a slow walk back to the car through the woods and then eventually to the car and back home.

Cracking day out, roll on the next trip


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
Nice to see you getting the young ones hooked...:)

cheers mate, they have been hooked almost since before they could walk, especially eldest, all he wanted for Chrimbo last year was a spoon knife, so he got one amongst other things


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
Nice woodlands.... And never give up, even when damp tinders against you :)

That Daldinia concentrica's HUGE!

Regards, al.

Exactly, never give up, proud of youngest for not giving up, he was starting to wilt as he couldnt get it going, then off it went, think the smile on his face says it all.

Your right that Daldinia is a biggie, should make one superb ember :)

The Big Lebowski

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 11, 2010
Sunny Wales!
Fair play to him, and hopefully inspiration next time when its up against him! anything's possible if you make it so, as my grandad used to say...

Been reading up on Daldinia and each ring represents a spore season, but there's little information on how many times they spore each season (if they do).

I think they may live a fairly long life.

(sometimes I read too much :rolleyes: )



Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
Fair play to him, and hopefully inspiration next time when its up against him! anything's possible if you make it so, as my grandad used to say...

Been reading up on Daldinia and each ring represents a spore season, but there's little information on how many times they spore each season (if they do).

I think they may live a fairly long life.

(sometimes I read too much :rolleyes: )


There you go, learn something new every day, didnt know eaxch ring represented a spore season, i suppose whenyou think about it, it makes perfect sense?.

Im the same with reading, always have been, id rather read than watch the google box
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The Big Lebowski

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Aug 11, 2010
Sunny Wales!
Same here.

Glad you enjoyed the day anyway and the wee one managed fire. I shall be checking my woodland stash now,
to see if I can beat that monster :cool: (but its doubtful!)

atb, al.


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
Cheers chaps,

They are growing up far too fast Richard, still at least it wont be long before they can start carrying my kit into the woods for a change;)


Bushcrafter through and through
May 11, 2007
Pontypool, Wales, Uk
Great pics. Getting out and practising skills is important, and something I've only recently caught on to. A few sessions in the woods doing firelighting in less than ideal conditions, and my fire skills are so much better now.


Life member
Jan 14, 2007
Look a fantastic day out for all of you! Thanks for sharing.

My boys are still younger (eldest is 4) but they have been bitten by the bushcraft bug too I think! Fantastic to pass on knowledge and see them explore and discover stuff.


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
Thanks for sharing Mark, I could do with a day like that myself soon

I was going to go have another go tomorrow, but ive just discovered some of the biggest juciest blackberries ive seen for a long while, so im going to go and pick them instead, we will be back up the woods next week for a couple of days, so what i was going to do, i'll just postpone for a little while:D


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.