Pig slaughter in Csömör

Nov 29, 2004
From earlier this month.

A photo essay covering a traditional pig slaughter in Csömör, Hungary.


(roll your mouse over the smaller thumbnails to see the larger image, click to see the full size image)

A pig slaughtering is a big event, all your friends and family are usually on hand to help, nothing is wasted, the animals blood is turned into blood sausage for the that mornings breakfast.

Here some of the The Slovak minority of Csömör host their fellow villagers. I was particularly impressed with the ancient hand cranked blow torch used to burn away the bristles.


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Full Member
Nov 28, 2011
Forest of Bowland
This used to be a traditional thing in rural UK, all hands on deck! I've scraped a pig before and it isn't fun, a Baby Burco full of boiling water and the back of a knife - hours of hard graft if you have a black pig.

One method I never tried was to cover the pig in straw and light it - a quick way to dehair!


Aug 6, 2008
Thanks for putting that S'b. Some excelent photos.

Occasionaly I bounce the idea round my head of having a day on the farm where to slaughter and prep down a pig to joints, bacon and sausages. Have some friends round for a big simple social and cook up.
I've been along to simialar in Romania and Uganda and they were great days.

Thanks again for posting.
Nov 29, 2004
"...One method I never tried was to cover the pig in straw and light it - a quick way to dehair!.."

That seems to be the norm around these parts and in the neighboring countries, Croatia, Serbia etc. Its the cheapest option too I suppose. :)

Love the chaps pouch in pic 2

Big leather belt pouches are quite common in Hungary, even in the city folks young and old carry their odds 'n' ends around in them.

"..Occasionaly I bounce the idea round my head of having a day on the farm where to slaughter and prep down a pig to joints, bacon and sausages. Have some friends round for a big simple social and cook up..."

Hard work but everyone is smiling at the end of the day, and that isn't just because of the peach brandy. :)


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