They make delicious pear leather, it's definitely my favourite of all the fruity ones I've made. They also dry really well.
If you put all the parings, from the peeled slices that are put into the dehydrator, into a big pot with just enough water to stop them sticking or burning, and gently poach them to pulp, strain this through a sieve, and simmer it down until it forms a sticky brown paste. This can be put into jars and used a as a no added sugar spread for toast, scones or cakes.
They also poach rather nicely in red wine, serve with a little of the jus and drizzle with melted black chocolate..........Green & Black's Maya Gold is really good with them
They make tarte au poires too, but to be honest, I think they are a much under rated fruit and I just like eating them as they come ripe