or trade Flexcut Carving Jack - Right Handed

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Feb 7, 2012
Castleford, West Yorkshire
Hi All,

Flexcut carving Jack, right handed version. Bought while I was between cars as a more compact carving set but not been using it.

Has not yet drawn blood like most flexcut tools but has been fondled by several blokes with beards, other than that it's practically new, only used the straight blade and the hook knife briefly when I first got it. £100 posted and paypalled. - Now Sold


I don't have the packaging for it but have made a small denim sock for the bit of stropping compund which I'll include.

This tool is designed for the american market where it is common for carvers to cut towards themselves, may better suit a left hander.

I'm away a lot of the time so it can take around a fortnight for me to get things in the post, due to this collection would be greatly prefered around Castleford/Leeds or depending on how local you are I could drop it off.

Interested in trades/part exchange for the following -
- a decent camp knife or billhook
- Vihe Vaellus Loue II Shelter or similar half bell tent style thing
- Copper Hudson bay tinder box

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I've got a billhook, plus a few other bits n bobs, and I'm down the road in Beverley, so a run to Cas is no problem.
Anything else you fancy in trades? Cash also.
PM sent.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.