Nesting site at the office


Life Member
Thought I'd share, we had a pair of Oyster catchers take up residence a month or ago, right in the middle of the main path network from the contractor cabins onto site, there must be upward of 300 people pass this point, in any given day, thats not including the cars, vans, trucks, cranes, etc that pass every minute.
Forgive the quality, I had to use my mobile.

A couple of days afterwards, there were 3 eggs in the nest, and the birds were going nuts anytime anyone (300 odd contractors) went by. So we came up with a solution, and a friendly civil contractor helped us out


It seemed to settle the birds, within a week they were taking no notice what so ever of people or the vehicles.

There were however some magnificent battles between the male oystercatcher and the local crows and seagulls.

This morning the eggs hatched, and the chicks are already running around after dad.

You should just be able to see one chick up on the paving slab behind dad, with its wings out

unfortunately the seagulls have taken note, and I think are just waiting for their chance.

No doubt the secretaries will keep me informed by text while I'm on holiday :rolleyes:


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.