Nature Detectives ideal Christmas present for children

I've just bought a book called "The nature detectives' handbook (discover nature's calender)".

It is an ideal book for getting children interested in and learning about nature. :D

It contains 50 species fact files including some; birds, butterflies, amphibians, plants and trees. The fact fils cover times of year to find a species, detailed pictures showing key identification features at different times of the year and information about each species, plus an area for children to make their own notes and dotheir own drawings. Also included are stickers, species charts and a quiz. There is also a web-site to accompany the book where children can record their sightigs on-line.

The book is produced in association wih the Woodland Trust as part of their phenology network and s forwarded by Ray Mears.

Did you know......

"The Fly agaric fungus was once used tokill flies. Pieces were added to a saucer of milk and flies would then drink this and die".

This is just one example from a species fact file :)

I bought the book for £6.39 from Amazon, RRP £7.99


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