My weekend

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
This weekend I was up in the woods again - Friday solo but Sat Stuart and Dave joined me.
I had quite a busy time of it as some repairs, replacements and maintainance was the order of the day...
First off - my basecamp is on the Care Farm where I work and often participants visit (with development workers) as it is such a nice spot.
On one such visit an "un-skinny" participant and another as well sat on my tripod chair ... so I needed to rebuild it due to the leg breaking...
The new chair

When I pitched the 'chute (storms were forcast) I found that the cute little mouse I had previously enjoyed photographing had decided to chew up various panels in the chute rendering it as weatherproof as a lace tablecloth...

it is a good thing that we had a spare to hand (thanks to a BcUK member who sent me a chute for free when my previous base camp was felled by a storm and we all thought the chute lost and gone) and I was able to rig this immediately.

So that was Friday sorted, along with a bit of weed-wacking to beat back the brambles that threatened to overwhelm the site...
I was still alone until mid day Sat so continued weed-wacking but in the evening the three of us went for a walk.
Dryads Saddle?


Sunday we replaced one of the forked sticks holding the pot hanging pole over the fire (which I had also replaced) as it broke when we were resetting it.
Also done over the weekend was the first test of my super lightweight cotton tarp (note my Teddy Bear logo)

and the shirt made from the same fabric plus my new ripstop trousers
P6300250.jpg . All proved more than up to the job with the tarp coping with firehose pressure rain during a couple of real downpours.
Sunday midday we all went our separate way and with next months meet up in mind :)


Mar 7, 2014
Somerset, England
What a great place to have as a camp. I'm interested in your cotton tarp, I used to find cotton tents were just fine but it's now difficult to find fabric of sufficiently good quality.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.