My usual spot. Introduced 2 newbies (pic heavy)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 13, 2015
After some car trouble we decided to shorten a 4 day Scottish trip to a 2 night trip in my usual camping/bushcrafting spot, my usual partner in crime Damien, Carl, Phil and myself. Damien and I are experienced campers and bushcrafters, Carl and Phil... Well not so much.
Was a great weekend that we all enjoyed, and Carl and Phil both learned to make fire using a firebow, and I won a bet with Damien about it being possible with pine (i didn't half enjoy that pint)
Damien and I set up our usual tarp and hammock setups, and a large lean to style for the 2 newbies to bed down under. Although they decided to use a small 2 man tent under it too, against our advice.


We had a comfortable night, despite a little rain in the wee small hours

Carl our soft squaddie I fear from that look didn't sleep quite so well!
The bulk of the wood chopping and fire building was done by me and damien as Carl and Phil enjoyed the surroundings and questioned the safety of the water I've been drinking for years! And if I do say so what surroundings

As usual my cooking did not disappoint, with some bannock (cheese and wild garlic) cakes

A nice batch of rock stew

And enough bacon to fell lesser men

A great weekend with a bit more housekeeping of the site that's been abused somewhat by some less reputable sorts! Like the fire pit being knocked down and too much litter for my tastes

Had a few blisters from chopping so much wood, all with permission may I add the local custodian marks trees for me to cut with spray paint

And Damien giving it the Viking routine with the axe

All in all had a great time and think I've sewn the seed into 2 lads that might make decent bushcrafters one day! If all Phil looked a bit glum at the lack of a toilet

Damien go so sick of my taking photos with our technology ban he did this

And me looking particularly fetching in a mozzy headnet

I'm not great at these trip report things but it's a first offence!

NB. This is on private land with permission from the landowner. Fire pits are dug out and lined with rocks and sand and are always extinguished with gallons of water before we leave. I'm in no way encouraging going off into someone's woods or a plantation and starting fires and sleeping there. I wouldn't do it in somones back garden so I wouldn't do it in someone's woods!
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 13, 2015
Good report. Looks like a nice spot you have there.

Beautiful place. Only a couple of miles track into the woods and within 500yds of a motorway but feels very remote. Don't see a soul for days because that area requires crossing a stream. Ideal for me


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 13, 2015
Yes, looks like a great spot! Mozzy net shot will scare small children, though ;)

I have been known to startle horses in my time! It was my sad face in response to the missus sending me a picture of a corned beef and tatie pie I missed!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.