My first slingshot in many years


Feb 12, 2015
Western Norway
Made a slingshot the other day, my first in many years. Rigged it with chinese tubes and summoned the missus and some neighbours for a test. None of us had tried this in years, but despite using dried peas as ammo and having a beer at the side we managed to hit a soda can 5 meters away - great fun!


Plans: Will make another one as soon as I find the right natural fork, and have ordered misc chinese tubes to try out different setups and ammo.

Advices appreciated!
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Full Member
Apr 8, 2013
please take this reply as helpful as that is its intention. your slingshot frame is first class and a lovely bit of craftsmanship but the eyelet loops if they are the type with with a small screw thread regardless of how they are secured glued etc are not very safe to use. ive seen them snap under band pressure and in one case fly out and cut the guys face open. there is actually a photo of the man in question on you tube. I have shot catapults for hunting since I was about 9 years old and now im 50.
please take my advice and find another way of securing the bands on this one or your next one. again this message is not to pull your work down but to keep you safe and make sure you enjoy using your slingshots for years to come.


Feb 12, 2015
Western Norway
please take this reply as helpful as that is its intention. your slingshot frame is first class and a lovely bit of craftsmanship but the eyelet loops if they are the type with with a small screw thread regardless of how they are secured glued etc are not very safe to use.

They are eye screws, yes. What if I change to let's say A5 eye bolts, like this?
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