Mozzies in Sweden


Dec 15, 2005
What's the situation with horrible flying bitey things in Sweden during July/August ?

I'm looking at booking a log cabin next to a lake in the Varmland area but is that a recipe for get munched all week by mozzies ?

We had a similar stay next to a lake in Canada a few years ago and being outside for more than a couple of minutes was unbearable. I'd hate for it to ruin our holidays.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 26, 2004
Essex, Uk
Biters are a bit of a bugger there that time of year, if indoors keep a coil burning or if power plug in mozzi repellers are good if you have kids. Kipping out side a mozzi net is the way forward and may be a smudge fire, had a female on a course out there once who slept with her face out of a mozzi net for a night :confused: :rolleyes: , looked like a clingon in the morning :eek: Also use Nordic summer or theres another one you can get out there which is similar but in an oil form and natural both very good mozzi repellers, dont forget to keep applying thats where most go wrong. Dont worry about the biters bud enjoy the holiday Its a beautiful place ;)


Life Member
May 16, 2007
There'll be quite a few mozzies around at that time of the year.
Personally, I can't stand them and they seem to just love me, so I go for a head net and covering clothes.
Other than that, the Nordic Summer recommended by Paganwolf is pretty good, and so is the Djungelolja he also mentions (the oil formula).
If you don't like the tar and smoke smell from those (I love the smell, so don't mind using it at all), you can get Mygga instead. It comes in sort of deodorant, roll-on bottles and workes fairly well too.
Unless you're Mr.No-Smell-At-All and the mozzies can't locate you, sleeping outside without a mozzie net is going to get a truck-load of bites.
And do keep a look-out for the horse-flies. They seem to think of normal insect repellant as a good barbecue sauce...
You should definitely go to Värmland!!! It's beautiful country with lots of bushcrafty stuff to see and do :red: :red: :red:
At that time of year, there are going to be loads of them around. I would personally head for somewhere out of (or at least on the edge of) dense forrest, ideally near the coast, or large lake where a sea breeze tends to keep them at bay.
Early autumn, or late spring would have fewer mosquitos in dense damp forrest areas.


Full Member
Dec 23, 2006
The locals say garlic does the trick. I stood talking to a Swede and a german in Varmland last summer, the German got a few bites, the Swede fewer still and me and my wife were being eaten alive. Perhaps we English just taste better ? Nordic Summer seems to help as well as a good headnet.
Horses for courses I reckon...

I heard about the garlic and tried it, didn't work for me (Borneo and the rest...)... though it stopped obnoxious fellow traveller's coming to me ;-) Still like garlic though :)

Nordic Summer worked for me last year in Sweden...would NOT go back without it if I can help it....

Grtz Johan


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