Cedar wood drawers in your cupboards are supposed to be good, esp yellow . You can buy little balls of wood, our house is full of them as my wife and moths have been at war for decades now. I keep stepping on them balls ... which makes me heartily desire a peace treaty.
Lavender as mentioned. Also there are various cans with anti moth smell coming out of them in our cupboards.
When I view the situation with an objective eye, I'd say the moths are winning, and in any case I think they use the lavender oil as aftershave. So, one of those electric tennis bats would at least put some fun in the fight.
The thing I notice is that my wool clothes don't get eaten. Only hers. Not kidding, I think there is more to it than just the wool eating habits of moths.
In the end, think modern artificial fibres, martinis and lounge music. It is the only genuine way forward. One thing scientists do know is that moths, musical purists that they are, cannot stand a sampled bossa nova.