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Had a mustelid in the garden this morning - not sure what it was.

It was about the size of a stoat (maybe upto 3/4 ferret size) - 20 25cm inc tail.

Colour was the dark choclate/black of a mink but there was no white jaw marking - the was how ever a defiante white bid. But no white underside along it's length.

Nor did there appear to be a black tip to the tail - all though hard to tell with the colour. and it was less than 1/2 it body length.

However, the face was more rounded ie ferret like than I think minks are.

The tail was relatively short a nd "fluffy2 as well.

Also it ran like a weasel/stoat

Looked too small for a mink - could be a young one.

It seem very curious what I was upto as it kept coming to lamost within arms reach of me. Guess I had food it would of taken it. That made me think it might be a small/young ferret that some one lost.

Other than its size it most looked liek a ferret.

Guess I might have to put the live trap out and get a proper look.

I know there are definately staots and weasels about - and I'd not be supprised if there where mink but it look too small and just the "wrong" shape some how
Once caught a mink in Sweden. Put an egg underneath an upturned bread delivery basket. Just tied a brick to the top and propped it up with a stick. Pulled the string from the window of the house. Not very bushcrafty, but it worked!
Very cute, but a complete menace.


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