Map Storage


Full Member
Jan 10, 2006
Maps are an important part of my life, not just for navigation, for my studies and asthetics too.

How do you store yours? I have them on a shelf in the coupboard but they are getting uncontrollable.


Full Member
I use OS 1:50K and 1:25K. I remove the covers on purchase, mark all 4 corners (of both sides if printed that way) with the map number in thick black felt tip and then refold the maps half/half/half etc.; the new folds coupled with the original folds mean I can generally refold the map any old way for my mapcase using both sides for a hike, where necessary. They are then stored on their edge map number up in a cardboard box suitably sized, at least 1:50K ones are as they're a uniform size. The 1:25Ks are stored on their edge, between bookends on a bookshelf. In order. I also have an XLS spreadsheet listing each map so I know whether I have a particular one or not.

My other maps, Nat. Geo., ITM, etc. are in organised piles on a bookshelf, folded in their original forms.

I find maps aesthetically pleasing too.
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 13, 2015
Folded into numbered plastic wallets in a couple of ring binders that live on our book case


M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jan 15, 2011
Obviously flat or rolled is better than folded if you have space. For most of us that isn't really an option though.

I have a dozen or so USGS Topographical maps as well as my Eglin reservation maps all folded and stacked on a closet shelf.
I have a particular way of folding my USGS topo maps so they take far less. But more importantly, I can read the name of the quad without having to unfold them.

Here's a link to the folding method:

Once folded, I place them in alphabetical order. I can then stand them on a bookshelf or stack them on a shelf in a closet.

For trail maps, I place them in alphabetical order and bind them with a rubber band. Like the topos, I can stand them up on a bookshelf or stack them on a shelf in a closet.

This is not a particularly aesthetic approach to storing maps. But it works for me.

Hope this helps!

- Woodsorrel
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Full Member
Aug 4, 2013
Depends... Those maps I'm using most recently are probably on the bed next to me... it's where I do most of my route planning as it's the only place in my flat big enough to unfold a full map... I did have a map shelf in the living room, but I have long passed the point where I can fit all my maps there.

My map storage is made more complicated by the fact that they aren't all OS maps. I have maps made by the Luxembourg survey, Belgians, Swiss, Aplina (3 maps in 4 scales...), OS, michelin, and a couple of others I can't currently remember.

I Finding a solution is on the list of tasks for this coming winter. For the OS maps at least, I think I have an idea. Watch this space fore more info.



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