
Jan 11, 2017
Hi everyone,
Firstly thank you for accepting me to the Bushcraft forum, I am very new to forums but wil give it a go.

I run a conservation project for a (charity) community centre in Hampshire UK it has a 2 acre lake and 10 acres of land, we have recently started some Bushcraft days I run these twice a week with teenagers that do not conform to normal formal schooling, we also have adults from combat stress and others who have issues with noise and crowds or just like the outdoors this is funded and we do not charge it's to ingage and interact with like minded people of all ages.

Myself as an ex serviceman, I find being in the woods a kind of therapy, we get together and practice our primitive fire light skills have a good old natter whilst camp fire cooking. I am very interested in Bushcraft -Consevation - foraging- wildlife that kind of thing, I hope in the future to develope my Bushcraft skills and listen to the peace and quiet as much as possible no matter what the weather is like.

I could go on but wont hope this is enough and many thanks again.


Full Member
Jun 14, 2016
Hello and welcome John.

Sounds like you have a wonderful spot there!

A big well done to you for guiding your community centre project to help those that need it most.
It's a noble cause and I applaud your efforts!👍👍
Especially with the kids and the ex servicemen and women.

Hope you enjoy it here, and if you have any questions fire away, as there's a huge variety of expertise amongst the forum members here...

Welcome and may all your endeavours be a success!
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Welcome from northern California, John! It sounds like you are doing good work with the conservation project. I spend much of my time guiding inner-city children outdoors. You never know how much an outdoor experience in nature will impact someone's life...

- Woodsorrel


Life Member
Jan 22, 2013
Hello and welcome!
sounds like a great project! would love to hear more.
I have had some great experiences doing similar with adults with intellectual disabilities with behavioral support needs.

all the best,
Stephen C


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