Interesting leather pouch closure in National Geographic.

The latest issue of National Geographic (always phenomenally great, regardless of the issue) has a really neat (new to me at least) leather pouch closure on page 22. It's an article on the 50th anniversary of the Peace Corps, and it shows the leather pouch with tinder, steel and flint that a member carried in Africa.

Kind of hard to explain the closure; a toggle on the flap and a loop with a tassel on the bottom on the pouch that you pull down on to close it over the toggle. Easiest if you just go to the store and buy it to look at it. (It's worth it just for the article on Andrew Skurka.) Like I said, the closure was a new one for me, and it might be for others here as well. Definitely gave me some ideas. Not at all a leather worker, but I'm sure I can adapt something similar for what I do.


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