House Number


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
I was commissioned to make a plaque with a house number on it, and it had to be rustic and woodsy, lucky for me i had a nice piece of Birch that had been cut at an angle and it looked just the part.

I made a template for the numbers on the pooter, printed them off and then used them to draw around, once done it was all mallet and chisel work, the numbers are carved into the wood at a 45 degree angle from each side, so hopefully as the sun moves round, different faces will catch the light and others will be in shadow, as it had to be rustic, i left the tool marks in the carving and then painted the numbers with black Humbrol enamel paint, once dry the whole thing was sanded down to remove some painting mistakes and to give a nice key for the varnish to adhere to (not the splodge to the right of the 4, thats a natural inclusion)


The sign is now in the shed having been varnished, tomorrow it will get another couple of coats before being sent off to be mounted on the wall using a hidden mountimng bracket on the rear


Full Member
Jul 17, 2005
Thanks mate, just realised the black lines look all wavy and horrible in the photo, glad they are straighter than that in reality


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