Just found this video and was wondering if anybody has better hiking buddies than these? www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1jDG0tBm90
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and was wondering if anybody has better hiking buddies than these?
The list is long.
Just found this video and was wondering if anybody has better hiking buddies than these? ...
reckon i could get a goat through customs for norway?
I knew the half goat bit would be useful.and the name on my passport is Hamish Half-Goat Odinson. i could convince them its my distant relative
what a brill video, what other animal could have made that climb ?
The mountain lion that fancied a bit of goat for dinner?
LOL. Maybe. But would you want to be the one that puts the pack saddle on that mountain lion?
You know for a moment I though that a goat would be nice to lug the extra kit around - sure footed and all that - in the jungle then I remembered that they stake a tethered goat as tiger bait :yikes: