Hello from SW Tennessee, USA!

Greetings from the woods where Davey Crockett and Daniel Boone once roamed! I'm relatively new to bushcrafting and have been a member of BushcraftUSA since 2011. I'm also on BushcraftOZ - all as Fat Old Man. I really enjoy the alternative perspectives from other areas and found the Survival is all about a good cup of tea thread quite insightful.

I became interested in bushcrafting as a way to introduce my son (now 17) to the woodsmanship skills that I had never been taught, but realised were essential to manhood. So we began this adventure.


Carving a turner from a pear branch at the 2017 BCUSA TN Winter Meet-up

Please contact me if you're going to be in the area between Memphis and Nashville, TN. Cheers! - FOM


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.