Hand stitched webbing/ weight bearing yoke


Rather spending a small fortune on a set of SADF Pattern 70 Braces (they are inexpensive enough, it is the shipping cost from South Africa that is killing me!), I am wading into the depths of DIY. I have access to 1" and 2" canvas webbing as well as the myriad D rings, sliders, and hooks necessary to make such a thing. What I don't have is technique! If some one could please give me some direction/ instruction as to HOW TO SEW such an implement, it would be most appreciated. Thanks!


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
For stitching look for demos on Youtube for saddle stitching. It's a stitch used for leatherwork but can equally be used for webbing etc. as it produces a good strong result.

Buy yourself a cheap set of braces and use that for patterns and to see how the bits are sewn together.

Of and welcome to the forum :)


Full Member
May 2, 2007
This one?


If so and if it were me, I'd want an industrial strength sewing machine for at least the majority of those seams ;) .

I think RAPPLEBY2000 made up / modified some webbing bits a while back. It might be worth a trawl through his threads.

:offtopic: :sad6: I must admit that I quite like the Radio Pack, might make a good bimble bag


Pics nicked from ~ Link

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
I have happily sewn webbing with a strong (ie at least 30 year old) domestic sewing machine. My old Newhome model would sew up to 3 layers with no effort....
I dislike hand sewing :)
If you want to hand sew then saddle stitching os a runninf stitch sewed in both directions using a strong thread would be my stitch of choice - search for leather sewing demos and you should find lots of info on the web:)
Jun 21, 2012
Morning. I've stitched loads of webbing type stuff by hand or on a normal machine. For sewing by hand I use an awl- its an american job called a speedy stitch. You can also use a leather needle in a pin vice (small chuck on a handle, bit like a craft knife handle). If you want to do it on a machine, use a big fat needle and something like gutterman extra strong thread. For hand sewing you can wax the inner threads from paracord or just use waxed dental floss. It's cheap and really strong. As previously suggested, look on google or YouTube for using a sewing awl/ saddlers stitch etc.


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