hampshire meet


Jan 19, 2010
evening all
just come back from a cracking weekend with Bushwhacker Bob and Southey as well as my missus.Arrived late friday afternoon after driving through rain and traffic and waited for bob to arrive to show us the way to camp.once in camp bob set about getting fire started as i went off to collect enough wood to keep going through the evening.we sat talked and drank.bob dishing out a superd cider until he had to leave which left naomi and by ourselves to eat and chat into the darkness with the best channel on tv to watch.
awoke a bit chiily saturday morning,missus was fine as she had my bag so she was toasty! fair play to her though she got up and got fire going again.so i dragged my carcass out of the tent to sort out brekkie with consisted of bacon roll.had to make a lower rest as waiting an hour for it to cook was abit too much.collected more firewood,talk about relaxing! bob turned up to demo spoon carving omitting how handy gloves are to naomi are as the fak popped out to say hello to patch her up .i now have to get another bushy knife as i seemed to have lost mine to a certain lady.we just lazed about chatting and whittling firewood!
southey wandered in to camp and and after introductions completed we continued on with the afternoon.bob and southey sorted out extra support at the fire for a wire rack which bob griddled a chicken on accompanied with a pot of carrots and potatoes.it was lovelly.chicken cooked perfectly.the weather was stunning.chatting joking and ultamatly chilling from the busy world outside.
the time arose for southey to depart and fairwells and future meets in mind.the remaing three continued with wine and a port bob brought along.we turn in about eleven leaving bob down by the best camp fire i've seen for a while.
rising to the pitter patter of rain on the tent for a brief spell got us up buy more welcoming was the crackle of new life being nursed alive by bob with kettle on it was time to start striking camp with bacon buttie in hand ot was time to pack up a depart.
naomi and i would like to thank bob for making it a relaxing and most enjoyable weekend.meeting southey and bob was made the trip worthwhile.thanks to andyd for making it poosible by letting us use his wood which by the way is lovelly.naomi was treate to a deer sighting saturday morning which she most enjoyed.
cheers ade and naomi.DSCF4928.jpgDSCF4916.jpgDSCF4915.jpgDSCF4913.jpgDSCF4919.jpgDSCF4923.jpgDSCF4924.jpgDSCF4925.jpgDSCF4926.jpgDSCF4927.jpgDSCF4918.jpg


Full Member
May 27, 2008
Sounds like a great time Ade.

I'm quite local so ought to make the effort to drop by next time perhaps, even if only for a brew at least !

Cheers, Paul

bushwacker bob

Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 22, 2003
I'm pleased you and Naomi enjoyed yourself and thought it worth while to travel to sunny Hampshire.
I must admit that chicken was good even if I say so myself.:D

Southey and me are masters at standing sideways.:lmao:


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.