Grimloc problem


A bemused & bewildered
Jan 5, 2013
SE Wales
In the past twelve months I've bought three lots of four ITW Nexus grimlocs in different colours and from different, reputable, sellers; I've been using these to make and afix some temporary straps while I'm in the process of working out a satisfactory way of using a front pack alongside my daypack, the idea being that I can use the daypack for extended trips where I need to carry that extra bit of kit. I find this system great for putting optics, phone, binos and all the bits and bobs I might need to use on the move without having to stop and take my pack off; I'm nearly there with my design, and the Grimlocs are a lightweight and convenient way of attaching and removing the front bit, but here's the rub.

Nine of the twelve Grimlocs squeak like a stuck pig! They make a truly awful noise as I walk along and the only thing that stops it is applying a lot of downwards pressure on the offending item, and I can't do that all the time!

Just wondering if anybody else uses these and has had the same problem? and if so, have you found a remedy? TIA, :)


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